In order to provide you with the ability to test the world’s fastest processor with world’s best dual graphics solution, ATI is making two special drivers available for press only. The first driver enables two ATI graphics cards to be installed and run in CrossFire mode on the Intel® 975X Express chipset with an Intel® Core™ 2 Duo processor or Intel® Core™ 2 Extreme Processor. All performance improvements found in this production candidate driver will be made available to the public the first week of June in Catalyst release version 6.6. We ask that you please test with the publicly available Catalyst 6.6 driver or the press version to ensure the best quality benchmarking experience possible, and deliver results that reflect what the public can expect.

The second driver unlocks the best image quality possible in a game today, delivering simultaneous HDR and AA in Oblivion like the now famous “Chuck” patch. While the driver is not officially supported, we’re making it available to press to demonstrate the astounding gaming possible on Intel® Core™ Duo processors using CrossFire graphics.
ATI CATALYST 6.6 advanced press driver
ATI CATALYST 6.6 advanced press driver with 'Chuck' patch