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Téma: ST380011A and diagnostika

  1. #1

    Standardní ST380011A and diagnostika

    ahoj prosim vas potreboval bych vyvodit zaver z diagnostickeho testu hdd.
    my hdd je 80gb seagate barracuda st380011A s 2MB cache, jedna se o pata a nevim jak mam z toho poznat jak je na tom uj hadr chudak proto hazim log z neho do druheho postu do sameho threadu. predem dik kdo mi to nejak objasni.
    Z testu sem samozrejme pochopil ze je to ok ze tam byla polozka passed coz vim ze dobre dopadlo, ale me jde jen o to pochopit ty polozky. na co bys ce nel zamerit a ovazovat za moznou pricinu chyb v budoucnu diky moc

  2. #2

    Standardní ST380011A and diagnostika

    SeaTools Desktop v3.02.03
    Copyright (c) 2005 Kroll Ontrack Inc.

    1/1/2006 @ 12:00 PM

    The following information has been generated by SeaTools Desktop. Use
    this information to help you recognize and resolve potential data access

    System Information:
    BIOS Date 06/12/00
    Conventional Memory size 639 K
    Extended Memory size 58532 K
    IO Channel type PCI

    Drive Information:
    --------- ---------------------
    80 GB ST380011A

    Serial Number = 5JV6PEDQ
    Int13 Num = 81, PHYS CHS = 16383x16x63.
    ParmTable CHS, Rsvd = 9729x255x63

    ---------- ------------ ----
    # Type Start End MB
    1 NTFS 0 7815 64292
    2 NTFS 7816 9728 15735

    Diagnostic Results:

    ATA Full Test Result: Passed

    Results from Seagate's DiagATA/SCSI:

    DIAGATA.EXE Version 3.08.50328ML
    Copyright (c) 2002 by Seagate Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.

    Timer Resolution: 0.000122
    Long Test Begin: 01-Jan-2006 11:24:27
    Cable Test - 0 Errors
    Buffer Test - 0 Errors
    Identify Data
    Model Number: ST380011A
    Serial Number: 5JV6PEDQ
    Firmware Revision: 3.06
    Default CHS: 16383-16-63
    Current CHS: 16383-16-63
    Current Capacity: 16514064 Sectors
    Total Capacity: 156301488 Sectors
    Conductor Cable Reported
    ID Method: Jumper
    SMART Enabled
    SMART Check: Passed
    Full Scan (0 to 15630148 - Passed
    Elapsed Time: 35.89 Minutes
    Estimated Internal Transfer Rates
    Min: 17.61Mb/s Max: 475.41Mb/s Avg: 311.59Mb/s
    PIO/DMA Data Compare
    Total Bytes = 23814144
    Estimated PIO Transfer Rates
    Min: 3.23MB/s Max: 3.42MB/s Avg: 3.33MB/s
    Estimated DMA Transfer Rates
    Min: 47.82MB/s Max: 79.70MB/s Avg: 59.59MB/s
    Long Test Passed: 01-Jan-2006 12:00:32
    SMART Disabled

    End results from Seagate's DiagATA/SCSI

    File Structure Test Result:

    Partition 1 (NTFS (64.2 GB) data) Not Tested

    NOTE: Any report of possible errors in the file system tests are for
    informational purposes only. We suggest you should consider testing with
    the official file system diagnostic utilities for your operating system.
    Seagate is not able to assist with troubleshooting or reviewing
    file system test results.

    Partition 2 (NTFS (15.7 GB) software) Not Tested

    NOTE: Any report of possible errors in the file system tests are for
    informational purposes only. We suggest you should consider testing with
    the official file system diagnostic utilities for your operating system.
    Seagate is not able to assist with troubleshooting or reviewing
    file system test results.


    All selected physical diagnostics passed.

    If you are not experiencing data loss and SeaTools reports File
    System Structure errors, they may be caused by a lock-up or
    failure to shutdown Windows correctly. Many times, these errors
    may be repaired through normal system maintenance which
    includes using the Windows provided "Defrag" and
    "Scandisk / Chkdsk / Error Checking" utilities.

    If you are experiencing a hardware error, you should isolate
    the cause and replace the failing component. If you are unsure how
    to proceed with repairs, contact a computer professional. After
    completing any maintenance tasks, run SeaTools again to
    verify that all errors have been repaired. If errors continue to
    occur, the system may not be stable. Again, contact a computer

    ================================================== ======

  3. #3
    mrtvej brouk mince Avatar uživatele mISHA
    7 264

    Standardní Re: ST380011A and diagnostika

    a) nemas zapnuty smart. nevim proc.
    b) nenalezeny zadne chyby hw razeni.
    c) pokud mas nejaky problem, pouzij chkdsk /f anebo scandisk.
    zaklepal nozickama, ale nastesti predtim stihl uvalet svou kulicku

  4. #4

    Standardní Re: ST380011A and diagnostika

    tak smart sem dal enable v biosu pro oba dva hdd jak pro hdd wd tak seagate380011A.

    Jinak u te kontroly povrchu hdd chkdsk /f se to vzdy musi davat pred tim otestovanim hdd softwarem seatool?
    jestli ano jak to udelam abych si zkotroval povrch disku i u dalsich jednotek cili krome C: ktery je systemovy u ktereho ta kontrola povrchu disku probehla při příštím spuštění systému. jinak potrebuju zkontrolovat jednotky dalsi a to D: E: F: nevim jak na to.

    jinak pises nenalezeny zadne chyby hardwaroveho zarizeni to se tyka toho hdd ze? pokud neni teda zaply ten smart.

  5. #5
    mrtvej brouk mince Avatar uživatele mISHA
    7 264

    Standardní Re: ST380011A and diagnostika

    chkdsk c: /f ( zepta se te to, jestli chces kontrolovat pri dalsim spusteni, tak das ano ).

    chdkdsk d: /f
    chdkdsk e: /f
    chdkdsk f: /f

    a toto neni potreba delat pred pouziti seatools ( protoze ty netestuji filesystem, ale disk ).
    zaklepal nozickama, ale nastesti predtim stihl uvalet svou kulicku

  6. #6

    Standardní Re: ST380011A and diagnostika

    muj test dopadl takto: se zapnutym SMART:

    PS: jeste neco bylo chybou kdyz sem nechal zaplyn enable smart i pro druhy disk WD kdyz sem testoval ten hdd seagate?

    SeaTools Desktop v3.02.03
    Copyright (c) 2005 Kroll Ontrack Inc.

    1/2/2006 @ 4:57 PM

    The following information has been generated by SeaTools Desktop. Use
    this information to help you recognize and resolve potential data access

    System Information:
    BIOS Date 06/12/00
    Conventional Memory size 639 K
    Extended Memory size 58532 K
    IO Channel type PCI

    Drive Information:
    --------- ---------------------
    80 GB ST380011A

    Serial Number = 5JV6PEDQ
    Int13 Num = 81, PHYS CHS = 16383x16x63.
    ParmTable CHS, Rsvd = 9729x255x63

    ---------- ------------ ----
    # Type Start End MB
    1 NTFS 0 7815 64292
    2 NTFS 7816 9728 15735

    Diagnostic Results:

    ATA Full Test Result: Passed

    Results from Seagate's DiagATA/SCSI:

    DIAGATA.EXE Version 3.08.50328ML
    Copyright (c) 2002 by Seagate Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.

    Timer Resolution: 0.000122
    Long Test Begin: 02-Jan-2006 16:10:07
    Cable Test - 0 Errors
    Buffer Test - 0 Errors
    Identify Data
    Model Number: ST380011A
    Serial Number: 5JV6PEDQ
    Firmware Revision: 3.06
    Default CHS: 16383-16-63
    Current CHS: 16383-16-63
    Current Capacity: 16514064 Sectors
    Total Capacity: 156301488 Sectors
    Conductor Cable Reported
    ID Method: Jumper
    SMART Check: Passed
    Full Scan (0 to 15630148 - Passed
    Elapsed Time: 36.49 Minutes
    Estimated Internal Transfer Rates
    Min: 8.80Mb/s Max: 475.41Mb/s Avg: 306.43Mb/s
    PIO/DMA Data Compare
    Total Bytes = 23905280
    Estimated PIO Transfer Rates
    Min: 3.29MB/s Max: 3.38MB/s Avg: 3.33MB/s
    Estimated DMA Transfer Rates
    Min: 48.66MB/s Max: 81.10MB/s Avg: 60.13MB/s
    Long Test Passed: 02-Jan-2006 16:46:47

    End results from Seagate's DiagATA/SCSI

    File Structure Test Result:

    Partition 1 (NTFS (64.2 GB) data) Result: Failed with critical Errors

    The following errors were found while scanning the volume:
    - One or more errors were found in the index
    - One or more errors were found in metadata file records
    - Other errors were found

    NOTE: Any report of possible errors in the file system tests are for
    informational purposes only. We suggest you should consider testing with
    the official file system diagnostic utilities for your operating system.
    Seagate is not able to assist with troubleshooting or reviewing
    file system test results.

    Partition 2 (NTFS (15.7 GB) software) Result: Failed with critical Errors

    The following errors were found while scanning the volume:
    - One or more errors were found in metadata file records
    - Other errors were found

    NOTE: Any report of possible errors in the file system tests are for
    informational purposes only. We suggest you should consider testing with
    the official file system diagnostic utilities for your operating system.
    Seagate is not able to assist with troubleshooting or reviewing
    file system test results.


    All selected physical diagnostics passed.

    If you are not experiencing data loss and SeaTools reports File
    System Structure errors, they may be caused by a lock-up or
    failure to shutdown Windows correctly. Many times, these errors
    may be repaired through normal system maintenance which
    includes using the Windows provided "Defrag" and
    "Scandisk / Chkdsk / Error Checking" utilities.

    If you are experiencing a hardware error, you should isolate
    the cause and replace the failing component. If you are unsure how
    to proceed with repairs, contact a computer professional. After
    completing any maintenance tasks, run SeaTools again to
    verify that all errors have been repaired. If errors continue to
    occur, the system may not be stable. Again, contact a computer

    ================================================== ======

    jinak jak vidis je neco se strukturou pri testu to hodilo failed

    jinak jak rikam uz na zacatku nechal sem pri tom testovani seatoolsem zaply v biosu enabled i pro western digital disk

    pak sem v biosu se u western digital prepl na disabled a seagate nechal enabled kdyz sem testoval strukturu systemu.

    a napsalo to failded pri testovani struuktury

    samozrejme seagate barracuda tam byl porad zaply smart cili enabled.

    fakt nechapu proc failed pri testovani systemove striktury.

  7. #7
    mrtvej brouk mince Avatar uživatele mISHA
    7 264

    Standardní Re: ST380011A and diagnostika

    a) seatools netestuji filesystem! pouze upozornuji na nesrovnalosti. jejich opravu zaridis viz vise.

    b) SMART nechej zaply, je to system pro informace stavu disku.

    c) zkus si o tom neco precist. zatim tady varis z vody.
    zaklepal nozickama, ale nastesti predtim stihl uvalet svou kulicku

  8. #8
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele tomase
    1 982

    Standardní Re: ST380011A and diagnostika

    Citace Původně odeslal mISHA
    chkdsk c: /f ( zepta se te to, jestli chces kontrolovat pri dalsim spusteni, tak das ano ).

    chdkdsk d: /f
    chdkdsk e: /f
    chdkdsk f: /f

    a toto neni potreba delat pred pouziti seatools ( protoze ty netestuji filesystem, ale disk ).
    preklep je to CHKDSK
    E4400 Ninja ¦ P35-DS3 ¦ 4x1GB DDR800 ¦ AMD HD6670 ¦ Crucial M4 64GB + WD6400AAKS + WD2500KS + 7200.10 250GB ¦ Enermax 420W ¦ NEC 3520A ¦ Centurion 5 + KAMABAY + AK-FC-03 ¦ MX510 ¦ UltraX ¦ Formula Vibration Feedback ¦ 223BW ¦ Creative T5900 + AKG K 530 ¦ not watercooled anymore

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