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Téma: OpenVPN

  1. #1

    Standardní OpenVPN


    již delší dobou pročítám nejrůznější manuály na setup OpenVPN.
    Zjistil jsem plno zajímavých věcí na základní nastavení, ale stále se mi nedaří.
    Podařilo se mi už párkrát nastavit obyč TUN spojení, které bylo úspěšně navázáno jen pomocí statického klíče, ale nemohl jsem ping virtual IP VPN sítě. Zkoušel jsem i generování certifikátů ale píše mi to plno nesmyslů (soubor nenalezen atd.).

    Pracuji ve Win (XP a 7) a chci se naučit kompletnímu používání tohoto prg.

    Proto píši sem a žádám o pomoc.

    Rád bych se spojil s někým, např. po skypu, kdo by si na mě udělal čas (přes týden odpol. o víkend kdykoli) a pomohl mi, mě provést kompletní konfigurací OpenVPN.

    Napište mi prosím na mé uvedené kontakty v profilu.

    Děkuji předem všem za pozitivní postoj a odpovědi.


  2. #2

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Prvni a zasadni rada, co se tyce openvpn na windows je: DON'T!
    Na generovani certifikatu maji sadu utilitek easy-rsa, v podstate zeditujes openssl.cnf a vars, ty si includnes (na windows nevim jestli to je), a pak si tusim vygenerujes dh, svoji ca (build-dh, build-ca), crt/key pro server (build-key-server) a pak uz jen generujes crt/key pro klienty (build-key). Config bude trochu odlisnej, protoze widle maj nejaky problemy s routovanim, a tusim se musi pouzit tap a ne tun.

    Tady je nejakej postup:
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

  3. #3

    Question Re: OpenVPN

    Citace Původně odeslal admix Zobrazit příspěvek
    Prvni a zasadni rada, co se tyce openvpn na windows je: DON'T!
    Na generovani certifikatu maji sadu utilitek easy-rsa, v podstate zeditujes openssl.cnf a vars, ty si includnes (na windows nevim jestli to je), a pak si tusim vygenerujes dh, svoji ca (build-dh, build-ca), crt/key pro server (build-key-server) a pak uz jen generujes crt/key pro klienty (build-key). Config bude trochu odlisnej, protoze widle maj nejaky problemy s routovanim, a tusim se musi pouzit tap a ne tun.

    Tady je nejakej postup:
    vim vim.. taky jsem sveho casu delal v linuxu..ale ve firme to chtej na widle.. a tak to studuju..

    zasadni problem na ktery jsem pri generovani CA narazil je chybejici soubor openssl.cnf . Ten jsem svym zpusobem nejak dostal do adr OpenVPN ale pri dalsich krocich to rvalo X dalsich hlasek o chybnych cestach atd.. proto heldam nekoho kdo by mi s tim pomohl online

  4. #4

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Kdyz nadefinujes "X dalsich hlasek", tak ti poradim
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

  5. #5
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele HollyG
    1 054

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Tomu rikam tedy zaujatost
    Ale pravda pro firemni (sirsi) vyuziti je ten linux uz asi lepsi, v domacich podminkach Win bohate staci.

    S generovanim jsem potize pod win nemel, jen nainstaloval a generoval (Win7 naposledy).
    Myslim ze to bylo podle tohoto navodu
    Se samotnym nastavenim nejlip kdyz sem das konfigurak a my Ti ho zkritizujem, v lepsim pripade i opravime
    Lidi o mně říkají, že jsem flegmatik. Mně je to ale jedno!
    I'm not arrogant...I'm just better than you!

  6. #6

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Citace Původně odeslal admix Zobrazit příspěvek
    Kdyz nadefinujes "X dalsich hlasek", tak ti poradim
    mohu se ti popripade ozvat na skype.. ?... ze bychom to dali krok za krokem ?.. treba prijdem na to kde delam chybu..

    postupuju pri generovani certifikatu ve win dle teto web adr

    pisni mi pls na skypu.. pokud bys souhlasil..dekuji

  7. #7

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Citace Původně odeslal HollyG Zobrazit příspěvek
    Tomu rikam tedy zaujatost
    Ale pravda pro firemni (sirsi) vyuziti je ten linux uz asi lepsi, v domacich podminkach Win bohate staci.

    S generovanim jsem potize pod win nemel, jen nainstaloval a generoval (Win7 naposledy).
    Myslim ze to bylo podle tohoto navodu
    Se samotnym nastavenim nejlip kdyz sem das konfigurak a my Ti ho zkritizujem, v lepsim pripade i opravime
    dekuji za moznost.. ale rad bych to bral postupne.. nejprve chci zvladnout generovani certifikatu.. konfiguraky bych popripade resil pote..

  8. #8

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Pres skype ti tezko nekdo bude radit, proste sem pastni z terminalu, co poustis, co to hlasi a pripadne config toho co nejde
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

  9. #9

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Tohle forum tu neni od toho, aby sis sehnal free support na skype. Jestli chces neco resit a neni to extremne komplikovany (jakoze openvpn neni), tak to res tady, at z toho benefituji i ostatni.
    Nebo si dej nabidku do nabidek prace.
    Hrrrr, will you stop using people as human driven search engines? has all the answers you need.

  10. #10

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Citace Původně odeslal Fox!MURDER Zobrazit příspěvek
    Tohle forum tu neni od toho, aby sis sehnal free support na skype. Jestli chces neco resit a neni to extremne komplikovany (jakoze openvpn neni), tak to res tady, at z toho benefituji i ostatni.
    Nebo si dej nabidku do nabidek prace.
    sry mno myslel jsem to v dobrem.. ale souhlasim

    i tak bych po uspesnem dokonceni veskerych konfiguraci treba udelal nejakou web str na OpenVPN ve win pro vsechny

  11. #11
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele D_a_v_i_d
    5 153

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Citace Původně odeslal Black Reider Zobrazit příspěvek
    i tak bych po uspesnem dokonceni veskerych konfiguraci treba udelal nejakou web str na OpenVPN ve win pro vsechny
    Což ti stále nebrání ty kroky vypsat SEM a řešit to tady a tu stránku udělat i tak
    A Jedi gains power through understanding; a Sith gains understanding through power

    Destkop machine: Intel Core i5 2400/MSI P67A-C45 /2x4 GB DDR3 1333 MHz/Sapphire HD6790/22" LCD HP w2216/DSL 8MBit connected
    Na filmy v posteli: Lenovo IdeaPad S9e/1,6 GHz Intel Atom, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB HDD
    Na práci: Dell E5500/T9550 2,66 GHz Intel, 3 GB RAM, 120 GB HDD

  12. #12

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Bud resi neco ultrasupertajnyho, nebo se proste stydi, protoze mu to nefunguje. To je celkem normalni jev, delam to taky
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

  13. #13

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    OK dotaz c.1

    na pocatku gen. CA se ve win zacina spustenim init-config z adr ...\OpenVPN\easy-rsa\, ktery v adr vytvori (popripade prepise existujici) vars.bat a openssl.cnf

    proc se mi teda objevi jen vars.bat a openssl.cnf vubec? Openssl.cnf neni ani jako skryty soubor a bez tohoto souboru jsou dalsi postupy pro generovani k nicemu.

    Na jake verzi Vam to slape?.. at netvorim zbytecne VPN na problemove verzi prg.

    tak se predvedte co poradite

  14. #14

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Ted jsem si stahnul widli verzi, a tam openssl.cnf je uz z vyroby

    # For use with easy-rsa version 2.0
    # OpenSSL example configuration file.
    # This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.
    # This definition stops the following lines choking if HOME isn't
    # defined.
    HOME      = .
    RANDFILE    = $ENV::HOME/.rnd
    openssl_conf    = openssl_init
    [ openssl_init ]
    # Extra OBJECT IDENTIFIER info:
    #oid_file   = $ENV::HOME/.oid
    oid_section   = new_oids
    engines                 = engine_section
    # To use this configuration file with the "-extfile" option of the
    # "openssl x509" utility, name here the section containing the
    # X.509v3 extensions to use:
    # extensions    = 
    # (Alternatively, use a configuration file that has only
    # X.509v3 extensions in its main [= default] section.)
    [ new_oids ]
    # We can add new OIDs in here for use by 'ca' and 'req'.
    # Add a simple OID like this:
    # testoid1=
    # Or use config file substitution like this:
    # testoid2=${testoid1}.5.6
    [ ca ]
    default_ca  = CA_default    # The default ca section
    [ CA_default ]
    dir   = $ENV::KEY_DIR   # Where everything is kept
    certs   = $dir      # Where the issued certs are kept
    crl_dir   = $dir      # Where the issued crl are kept
    database  = $dir/index.txt  # database index file.
    new_certs_dir = $dir      # default place for new certs.
    certificate = $dir/ca.crt   # The CA certificate
    serial    = $dir/serial     # The current serial number
    crl   = $dir/crl.pem    # The current CRL
    private_key = $dir/ca.key   # The private key
    RANDFILE  = $dir/.rand    # private random number file
    x509_extensions = usr_cert    # The extentions to add to the cert
    # Extensions to add to a CRL. Note: Netscape communicator chokes on V2 CRLs
    # so this is commented out by default to leave a V1 CRL.
    # crl_extensions  = crl_ext
    default_days  = 3650      # how long to certify for
    default_crl_days= 30      # how long before next CRL
    default_md  = md5     # which md to use.
    preserve  = no      # keep passed DN ordering
    # A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
    # For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
    # and supplied fields are just that :-)
    policy    = policy_anything
    # For the CA policy
    [ policy_match ]
    countryName   = match
    stateOrProvinceName = match
    organizationName  = match
    organizationalUnitName  = optional
    commonName    = supplied
    name      = optional
    emailAddress    = optional
    # For the 'anything' policy
    # At this point in time, you must list all acceptable 'object'
    # types.
    [ policy_anything ]
    countryName   = optional
    stateOrProvinceName = optional
    localityName    = optional
    organizationName  = optional
    organizationalUnitName  = optional
    commonName    = supplied
    name      = optional
    emailAddress    = optional
    [ req ]
    default_bits    = $ENV::KEY_SIZE
    default_keyfile   = privkey.pem
    distinguished_name  = req_distinguished_name
    attributes    = req_attributes
    x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extentions to add to the self signed cert
    # Passwords for private keys if not present they will be prompted for
    # input_password = secret
    # output_password = secret
    # This sets a mask for permitted string types. There are several options. 
    # default: PrintableString, T61String, BMPString.
    # pkix   : PrintableString, BMPString.
    # utf8only: only UTF8Strings.
    # nombstr : PrintableString, T61String (no BMPStrings or UTF8Strings).
    # MASK:XXXX a literal mask value.
    # WARNING: current versions of Netscape crash on BMPStrings or UTF8Strings
    # so use this option with caution!
    string_mask = nombstr
    # req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request
    [ req_distinguished_name ]
    countryName     = Country Name (2 letter code)
    countryName_default   = $ENV::KEY_COUNTRY
    countryName_min     = 2
    countryName_max     = 2
    stateOrProvinceName   = State or Province Name (full name)
    stateOrProvinceName_default = $ENV::KEY_PROVINCE
    localityName      = Locality Name (eg, city)
    localityName_default    = $ENV::KEY_CITY
    0.organizationName    = Organization Name (eg, company)
    0.organizationName_default  = $ENV::KEY_ORG
    # we can do this but it is not needed normally :-)
    #1.organizationName   = Second Organization Name (eg, company)
    #1.organizationName_default = World Wide Web Pty Ltd
    organizationalUnitName    = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
    #organizationalUnitName_default =
    commonName      = Common Name (eg, your name or your server\'s hostname)
    commonName_max      = 64
    name        = Name
    name_max      = 64
    emailAddress      = Email Address
    emailAddress_default    = $ENV::KEY_EMAIL
    emailAddress_max    = 40
    # JY -- added for batch mode
    organizationalUnitName_default = $ENV::KEY_OU
    commonName_default = $ENV::KEY_CN
    name_default = $ENV::KEY_NAME
    # SET-ex3     = SET extension number 3
    [ req_attributes ]
    challengePassword   = A challenge password
    challengePassword_min   = 4
    challengePassword_max   = 20
    unstructuredName    = An optional company name
    [ usr_cert ]
    # These extensions are added when 'ca' signs a request.
    # This goes against PKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software
    # requires this to avoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.
    # Here are some examples of the usage of nsCertType. If it is omitted
    # the certificate can be used for anything *except* object signing.
    # This is OK for an SSL server.
    # nsCertType      = server
    # For an object signing certificate this would be used.
    # nsCertType = objsign
    # For normal client use this is typical
    # nsCertType = client, email
    # and for everything including object signing:
    # nsCertType = client, email, objsign
    # This is typical in keyUsage for a client certificate.
    # keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    # This will be displayed in Netscape's comment listbox.
    nsComment     = "Easy-RSA Generated Certificate"
    # PKIX recommendations harmless if included in all certificates.
    keyUsage = digitalSignature
    # This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname.
    # Import the email address.
    # subjectAltName=email:copy
    # Copy subject details
    # issuerAltName=issuer:copy
    #nsCaRevocationUrl    = http://www.domain.dom/ca-crl.pem
    [ server ]
    # JY ADDED -- Make a cert with nsCertType set to "server"
    nsCertType      = server
    nsComment     = "Easy-RSA Generated Server Certificate"
    keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    [ v3_req ]
    # Extensions to add to a certificate request
    basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
    keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    [ v3_ca ]
    # Extensions for a typical CA
    # PKIX recommendation.
    # This is what PKIX recommends but some broken software chokes on critical
    # extensions.
    #basicConstraints = critical,CA:true
    # So we do this instead.
    basicConstraints = CA:true
    # Key usage: this is typical for a CA certificate. However since it will
    # prevent it being used as an test self-signed certificate it is best
    # left out by default.
    # keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign
    # Some might want this also
    # nsCertType = sslCA, emailCA
    # Include email address in subject alt name: another PKIX recommendation
    # subjectAltName=email:copy
    # Copy issuer details
    # issuerAltName=issuer:copy
    # DER hex encoding of an extension: beware experts only!
    # obj=DER:02:03
    # Where 'obj' is a standard or added object
    # You can even override a supported extension:
    # basicConstraints= critical, DER:30:03:01:01:FF
    [ crl_ext ]
    # CRL extensions.
    # Only issuerAltName and authorityKeyIdentifier make any sense in a CRL.
    # issuerAltName=issuer:copy
    [ engine_section ]
    # If you are using PKCS#11
    # Install engine_pkcs11 of opensc (
    # And uncomment the following
    # verify that dynamic_path points to the correct location
    #pkcs11 = pkcs11_section
    [ pkcs11_section ]
    engine_id = pkcs11
    dynamic_path = /usr/lib/engines/
    PIN = $ENV::PKCS11_PIN
    init = 0
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

  15. #15

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Citace Původně odeslal admix Zobrazit příspěvek
    Ted jsem si stahnul widli verzi, a tam openssl.cnf je uz z vyroby

    # For use with easy-rsa version 2.0
    # OpenSSL example configuration file.
    # This is mostly being used for generation of certificate requests.
    # This definition stops the following lines choking if HOME isn't
    # defined.
    HOME      = .
    RANDFILE    = $ENV::HOME/.rnd
    openssl_conf    = openssl_init
    [ openssl_init ]
    # Extra OBJECT IDENTIFIER info:
    #oid_file   = $ENV::HOME/.oid
    oid_section   = new_oids
    engines                 = engine_section
    # To use this configuration file with the "-extfile" option of the
    # "openssl x509" utility, name here the section containing the
    # X.509v3 extensions to use:
    # extensions    = 
    # (Alternatively, use a configuration file that has only
    # X.509v3 extensions in its main [= default] section.)
    [ new_oids ]
    # We can add new OIDs in here for use by 'ca' and 'req'.
    # Add a simple OID like this:
    # testoid1=
    # Or use config file substitution like this:
    # testoid2=${testoid1}.5.6
    [ ca ]
    default_ca  = CA_default    # The default ca section
    [ CA_default ]
    dir   = $ENV::KEY_DIR   # Where everything is kept
    certs   = $dir      # Where the issued certs are kept
    crl_dir   = $dir      # Where the issued crl are kept
    database  = $dir/index.txt  # database index file.
    new_certs_dir = $dir      # default place for new certs.
    certificate = $dir/ca.crt   # The CA certificate
    serial    = $dir/serial     # The current serial number
    crl   = $dir/crl.pem    # The current CRL
    private_key = $dir/ca.key   # The private key
    RANDFILE  = $dir/.rand    # private random number file
    x509_extensions = usr_cert    # The extentions to add to the cert
    # Extensions to add to a CRL. Note: Netscape communicator chokes on V2 CRLs
    # so this is commented out by default to leave a V1 CRL.
    # crl_extensions  = crl_ext
    default_days  = 3650      # how long to certify for
    default_crl_days= 30      # how long before next CRL
    default_md  = md5     # which md to use.
    preserve  = no      # keep passed DN ordering
    # A few difference way of specifying how similar the request should look
    # For type CA, the listed attributes must be the same, and the optional
    # and supplied fields are just that :-)
    policy    = policy_anything
    # For the CA policy
    [ policy_match ]
    countryName   = match
    stateOrProvinceName = match
    organizationName  = match
    organizationalUnitName  = optional
    commonName    = supplied
    name      = optional
    emailAddress    = optional
    # For the 'anything' policy
    # At this point in time, you must list all acceptable 'object'
    # types.
    [ policy_anything ]
    countryName   = optional
    stateOrProvinceName = optional
    localityName    = optional
    organizationName  = optional
    organizationalUnitName  = optional
    commonName    = supplied
    name      = optional
    emailAddress    = optional
    [ req ]
    default_bits    = $ENV::KEY_SIZE
    default_keyfile   = privkey.pem
    distinguished_name  = req_distinguished_name
    attributes    = req_attributes
    x509_extensions = v3_ca # The extentions to add to the self signed cert
    # Passwords for private keys if not present they will be prompted for
    # input_password = secret
    # output_password = secret
    # This sets a mask for permitted string types. There are several options. 
    # default: PrintableString, T61String, BMPString.
    # pkix   : PrintableString, BMPString.
    # utf8only: only UTF8Strings.
    # nombstr : PrintableString, T61String (no BMPStrings or UTF8Strings).
    # MASK:XXXX a literal mask value.
    # WARNING: current versions of Netscape crash on BMPStrings or UTF8Strings
    # so use this option with caution!
    string_mask = nombstr
    # req_extensions = v3_req # The extensions to add to a certificate request
    [ req_distinguished_name ]
    countryName     = Country Name (2 letter code)
    countryName_default   = $ENV::KEY_COUNTRY
    countryName_min     = 2
    countryName_max     = 2
    stateOrProvinceName   = State or Province Name (full name)
    stateOrProvinceName_default = $ENV::KEY_PROVINCE
    localityName      = Locality Name (eg, city)
    localityName_default    = $ENV::KEY_CITY
    0.organizationName    = Organization Name (eg, company)
    0.organizationName_default  = $ENV::KEY_ORG
    # we can do this but it is not needed normally :-)
    #1.organizationName   = Second Organization Name (eg, company)
    #1.organizationName_default = World Wide Web Pty Ltd
    organizationalUnitName    = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
    #organizationalUnitName_default =
    commonName      = Common Name (eg, your name or your server\'s hostname)
    commonName_max      = 64
    name        = Name
    name_max      = 64
    emailAddress      = Email Address
    emailAddress_default    = $ENV::KEY_EMAIL
    emailAddress_max    = 40
    # JY -- added for batch mode
    organizationalUnitName_default = $ENV::KEY_OU
    commonName_default = $ENV::KEY_CN
    name_default = $ENV::KEY_NAME
    # SET-ex3     = SET extension number 3
    [ req_attributes ]
    challengePassword   = A challenge password
    challengePassword_min   = 4
    challengePassword_max   = 20
    unstructuredName    = An optional company name
    [ usr_cert ]
    # These extensions are added when 'ca' signs a request.
    # This goes against PKIX guidelines but some CAs do it and some software
    # requires this to avoid interpreting an end user certificate as a CA.
    # Here are some examples of the usage of nsCertType. If it is omitted
    # the certificate can be used for anything *except* object signing.
    # This is OK for an SSL server.
    # nsCertType      = server
    # For an object signing certificate this would be used.
    # nsCertType = objsign
    # For normal client use this is typical
    # nsCertType = client, email
    # and for everything including object signing:
    # nsCertType = client, email, objsign
    # This is typical in keyUsage for a client certificate.
    # keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    # This will be displayed in Netscape's comment listbox.
    nsComment     = "Easy-RSA Generated Certificate"
    # PKIX recommendations harmless if included in all certificates.
    keyUsage = digitalSignature
    # This stuff is for subjectAltName and issuerAltname.
    # Import the email address.
    # subjectAltName=email:copy
    # Copy subject details
    # issuerAltName=issuer:copy
    #nsCaRevocationUrl    = http://www.domain.dom/ca-crl.pem
    [ server ]
    # JY ADDED -- Make a cert with nsCertType set to "server"
    nsCertType      = server
    nsComment     = "Easy-RSA Generated Server Certificate"
    keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    [ v3_req ]
    # Extensions to add to a certificate request
    basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
    keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
    [ v3_ca ]
    # Extensions for a typical CA
    # PKIX recommendation.
    # This is what PKIX recommends but some broken software chokes on critical
    # extensions.
    #basicConstraints = critical,CA:true
    # So we do this instead.
    basicConstraints = CA:true
    # Key usage: this is typical for a CA certificate. However since it will
    # prevent it being used as an test self-signed certificate it is best
    # left out by default.
    # keyUsage = cRLSign, keyCertSign
    # Some might want this also
    # nsCertType = sslCA, emailCA
    # Include email address in subject alt name: another PKIX recommendation
    # subjectAltName=email:copy
    # Copy issuer details
    # issuerAltName=issuer:copy
    # DER hex encoding of an extension: beware experts only!
    # obj=DER:02:03
    # Where 'obj' is a standard or added object
    # You can even override a supported extension:
    # basicConstraints= critical, DER:30:03:01:01:FF
    [ crl_ext ]
    # CRL extensions.
    # Only issuerAltName and authorityKeyIdentifier make any sense in a CRL.
    # issuerAltName=issuer:copy
    [ engine_section ]
    # If you are using PKCS#11
    # Install engine_pkcs11 of opensc (
    # And uncomment the following
    # verify that dynamic_path points to the correct location
    #pkcs11 = pkcs11_section
    [ pkcs11_section ]
    engine_id = pkcs11
    dynamic_path = /usr/lib/engines/
    PIN = $ENV::PKCS11_PIN
    init = 0
    prima.. dekuji.. hned si ho ulozim treba se mi instal soubor pri stahovani nejak poskodil ci co.. a to jsem to tahal z

    pokracovat budu odpoledne.. ted mizim na jednani.. zatim dekuji

  16. #16
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele HollyG
    1 054

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Nejlepsi mas se podivat primo do toho scriptu co dela, zrovna tenhle jen udela kopii souboru s jinym jmenem.

    Jak pise admix, v cerstve nainstalovany verzi (2.2.0) je uz z vyroby, sample naopak chybi.
    Lidi o mně říkají, že jsem flegmatik. Mně je to ale jedno!
    I'm not arrogant...I'm just better than you!

  17. #17

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Tak jsem z5,

    pri provedeni clean-all to napise nasledujici:

    Systém nemůže nalézt uvedený soubor.
    1 zkopírovaných souborů
    1 zkopírovaných souborů

    dle skriptu a souboru v novem adr. odhaduju ze byl zkopirovan soubor index.txt a soubor serial. do adresáře "keys", ktery byl definovany v souboru vars

    vzhledem k odkazovani v souboru vars na openssl.cnf nahradil jsem jeho puvodni obsah za new, ktery jste mi dali zde k dispozici a znova provadl kroky od pocatku.

    u tohoto kroku se mi zobrazil nakonec jen misto puvodnich 3 radku jen posledni 2

    je to takto spravne?.. jak to ze pred zamenou mi to napsalo ten prvni radek? jak to ze pomohla nahrada obsahu openssl.cnf i pres to ze pouzivam taktez verzi 2.2.0 ze ktere jste mi zde vypsali soubor?

    thx za answer

  18. #18

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    A co v tom openssl.cnf bylo puvodne? clean-all pokud se nepletu maze vse, vcetne klicu, takze to pak uz nepoustet. Zaloguj si nekam obsah terminalu, at vidime co vlastne delas
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

  19. #19

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    co delam?.. jedu presne dle jak mi zde napsali ze to dle toho jde.. tak to zkousim

    strucne zpetne receno.. pres komandy cmd si najedu do adr "easy-rsa" kde jsou jednotlive bat soubory, ktere pri vytvareni CA spoustim v urcenem poradi

    krok 1
    init-config //vse OK
    krok 2
    vars //ok
    clean-all //problem vyresen
    build-ca //mam problem

    WARNING: can't open config file: c:\openssl/ssl/openssl.cnf
    error on line 149 of openssl.cnf
    3400:error:0E065068:configuration file routines:STR_COPY:variable has no value:.\crypto\conf\conf_def.c:618:line 149

    "hlaseni jsem opsal do detajlu jak mi to vypsalo"

    zhlaseni chapu ze nemuze otevrit dane umisteni souboru.. jeste aby ne.. kdyz je jinde.. na radku 149 jsem byl (dal jsem si tu praci a pocital jsem do 149) ale nastaveni cesty pro openssl.cnf jsem nenasel.

    co mi poradis ?

  20. #20

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Dost mozna mi v tom openssl.cnf neco vypadlo, to melo bejt spis pro inspiraci nez pro copypasta navod ... stahni si ho znova a koukni, co v nem je, a uprav pripadne cesty dle potreby.
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

  21. #21

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Citace Původně odeslal admix Zobrazit příspěvek
    Dost mozna mi v tom openssl.cnf neco vypadlo, to melo bejt spis pro inspiraci nez pro copypasta navod ... stahni si ho znova a koukni, co v nem je, a uprav pripadne cesty dle potreby.
    tuto moznost jsem jiz taktez udelal.. samozdrejme pres vlozenim tveho obsahu jsem si vytvoril zalohu.. a pred psanim textu jsem nejprve vyzkousel stejnou cast se zalohovanym souborem...

    opravdu to budem cele resit zde takto po vzkazikach ?.. problem mi to nedela..jen to trochu casove natahuje celkovou komunikaci

  22. #22

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    tak jsem upravil obsah openssl.cnf dle web str

    a tim jsem presel vyskytlou chybu ktera se mi jiz nezobrazila

    sice mi pri prikazu build-ca napsalo opet varovani ze nemuze zapisovat do souboru openssl.cnf ale prikaz pokracoval dale bez dalsich erroru skoro az na konec "dotazniku" kde mi to napsalo:

    Error opening CA private key /opt/iona/OrbixSSL1.0c/certs/CA/
    424:error:02001003:system library:fopen:No such process:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:398:fopen('/opt/iona/OrbixSSL1.0c/certs/CA/','rb')
    424:error:20047002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system bil:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:400:unable to load CA private key

    tak z tohoto hlaseni nejsem vubec moudr.. co to znamena ?

  23. #23

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Proste tomu chybi nekde nejakej soubor, podle te cesty hadam, ze je to nejaky default fallback, tudiz jsi nekde zapomnel neco nadefinovat?
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

  24. #24

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Citace Původně odeslal admix Zobrazit příspěvek
    Proste tomu chybi nekde nejakej soubor, podle te cesty hadam, ze je to nejaky default fallback, tudiz jsi nekde zapomnel neco nadefinovat?
    thx.. to je hodne urcita odpoved co mi rika ico s tim mam delat...

  25. #25

    Standardní Re: OpenVPN

    Sorry, ale neposkytujes temer zadne informace, takze budto budes muset hodne hledat, nebo sem hodne vkladat informace
    Loading signature [ FAILED ]

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  1. OpenVPN a port 445
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    Poslední příspěvek: 02.02.2010, 20:57
  2. OpenVPN tap a pevná IP ?
    Založil globalkiller v sekci fóra Sítě
    Odpovědí: 4
    Poslední příspěvek: 03.09.2008, 20:35
  3. OpenVPN problém s odezvou
    Založil Gregy v sekci fóra Sítě
    Odpovědí: 20
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  4. OpenVPN - nastavení - certifikáty atd...
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    Odpovědí: 8
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  5. rada konfigurace OpenVPN
    Založil marten.k v sekci fóra Programy a problémy s nimi
    Odpovědí: 1
    Poslední příspěvek: 13.10.2005, 14:29

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