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Téma: Preco ked som nainstaloval Xfce4 tak mi stale nabieha KDE???

  1. #1

    Standardní Preco ked som nainstaloval Xfce4 tak mi stale nabieha KDE???

    Instaloval som cez urpmi z inetu...
    Urpmi hlasi Everithing Aleready Instaled...

    Ale ked si zmenim predvolene prostredie na xfce tak mi stale nabieha len KDE - pritom KDE som ani neinstaloval,instaloval som len GNOME...

    kuaEverything already installe
    hp pavilion zt3020

  2. #2


    To asi zalezi na tvem login manageru - zkus pustit nejakou failsafe session jenom s xtermem bez windowmanageru a tam pak spust startxfce4. A uvidis...
    In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows? | Nesnáším wide monitory.
    Workstation: Xeon E3-1275v5 :: Silentmaxx TwinBlock fanless :: Fujitsu D3417-B :: 32 GB ECC DDR4 :: Radeon Pro WX 2100 fanless :: Dell UP2715K :: Gentoo
    Server: Xeon E3-1245v6 :: Supermicro X11SSH-F :: 32 GB ECC DDR4 :: Aquantia 5GBase-T :: 36 TB storage :: Gentoo Hardened

  3. #3


    no hej,xfce samo o sebe ide,ale nejde ako default...
    normalne sa pozrem do nastavenia - je tam ako default XFCE ale ajtak sa pusta KDE (ktore som nikdy neinstaloval hehe)

    btw kam sa minimalizuju programi
    Mam otvorenych asi 5 programov DCGUI,file manager,mozilla atd dal som vsetky minimalizovat a teraz neviem kde su...asi som blb...tak isto sa nejak nemozem dopracovat k ICQ - nejak ho nemam v notification area (GAIM,alebo SIM to je jedno...)

    Edit: ani ten terminal mi nejak nejde...
    hp pavilion zt3020

  4. #4
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele wong
    2 452


    musis si nainstalovat xfce4-systray a dat si ho do panelu, pak se ti tam SIM objevi

    programy by mely byt bud vpravo dole jako takovy ikonky nebo pokud is to nastavis tak aby se spoustel i taskbar (xftaskbar4), tak ten bude vypadat uplne klasicky a bude to cela lista nahore

    ad KDE: nemas tam nastaveny autologin?

    jeste muzes zkusit spustit init3 a pak spustit startxfce4

  5. #5


    takze ikony tam nemam... podla webu tam ale ani nemaju byt (missing component )

    uplne mi ale vyhovuje xftaskbar - ako nastavit nech sa spusta automaticky pri starte XFCE
    hp pavilion zt3020

  6. #6


    pokud pouzivas GDM tak ho pridej do /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/<session co pouzivas>... gdm totiz ignoruje .xinitrc apod., takze to musis hazet primo do te sessny

    a IMHO ma XFCE moznost definovat pres nejake klikatko, ale XFCE sem v zivote nepouzival, tak snad nekdo doplni
    Imagine there's no heaven and at once the sky is the limit
    Photoblog | Kapela

  7. #7


    wohma: no mam tam Xsession - otvoril som to a skoro som odpadol...

    hp pavilion zt3020

  8. #8


    a jak mam nainstalovat temu (themes) do xfce4??
    hp pavilion zt3020

  9. #9


    Citace Původně odeslal Mikhaill
    wohma: no mam tam Xsession - otvoril som to a skoro som odpadol...

    pouzivas opravdu GDM??
    tom@Sessions&#58; 3 files 22Kb -> pwd
    tom@Sessions&#58; 3 files 22Kb -> ls
    Xsession  icewm  wmaker
    jo pokud este mas gentoo tak mrkej do /etc/rc.conf
    # XSESSION is a new variable to control what window manager to start            
    # default with X if run with xdm, startx or xinit.  The default behavior        
    # is to look in /etc/X11/Sessions/ and run the script in matching the           
    # value that XSESSION is set to.  The support scripts is smart enouth to        
    # look in all bin directories if it cant find a match in /etc/X11/Sessions/,    
    # so setting it to "enligtenment" can also work.  This is basically used        
    # as a way for the system admin to configure a default system wide WM,          
    # allthough it will work if the user export XSESSION in his .bash_profile, etc. 
    # NOTE&#58;  1&#41; this behaviour is overridden when a ~/.xinitrc exists, and startx   
    #           is called.                                                          
    #        2&#41; even if a ~/.xsession exist, if XSESSION can be resolved, it will   
    #           be executed rather than ~/.xsession, else KDM breaks ...            
    # Defaults depending on what you install currently include&#58;                     
    # Gnome - will start gnome-session                                              
    # kde-<version> - will start startkde &#40;ex&#58; kde-3.0.2&#41;                           
    # Xsession - will start a terminal and a few other nice apps                    
    ale jinak si proste vytvor executable soubor treba xfce a napis do nej xfce-session nebo jaxe pousti...
    Imagine there's no heaven and at once the sky is the limit
    Photoblog | Kapela

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