Mam notebook Aspire 1360 , po stáhnutí aktuální BIOSu od výrobce a následného flashnutí již notebook nenabíhá. Je tady případná možnost na opravu biosu ještě softwarovou cestou?
Mam notebook Aspire 1360 , po stáhnutí aktuální BIOSu od výrobce a následného flashnutí již notebook nenabíhá. Je tady případná možnost na opravu biosu ještě softwarovou cestou?
Díky bože za křemík
Na podpoře Aceru mi oznámili, že tento model již není podporován a odkázali mě na Asupport. Tak mi zase oznámili, že u těchto acerů se to občas stává, že po upgrade biosu již notebook nenaběhne. Přeflashovat to tam neumí a řeší se to výměnou základní desky, která stojí 6k, což ani není cena notebooku. Máte nějakou radu?
Díky bože za křemík
možné řešení ... uvidíme, zda to půjde
Díky bože za křemík
problem solved
repost z jednoho fora:
I had the same problem with my Acer Aspire 1360 (updated bios, and machine would not boot afterwards). I spent ages trying to work out what to do, and finally managed it using the process below.
I cannot post links (you need 10 posts to be able to do this). So instructions below could be clearer.
The main help came from another thread on this forum (search for posts by overklox, the thread is "Acer Aspire 5050 BIOS recovery from a bad flash--Blind flash").
Follow the initial post, step 1 contains the link to the crisis disk. Download it.
Unzip this, put a floppy disk in the drive and run crisis.exe (make sure "Writing on Floppy" is selected and click OK). This creates a disk with two files on it, delete the one called BIOS.WPH
Now use Google and search for "acer aspire 1360 bios 1.14 acerpanam" (without the quotes). The first link returned is hopefully titled "Removing Bios Hardware Password and Boot Block on Acer Aspire 1360". Click this, one of the replies contains the link for version 1.14 of the bios (search the page for acerpanam). The file you need is called ERB8114W.zip.
Unzip this, and find the file called EXTV114.WPH (look in the DOS\Discrete sub directory). Copy this file to the floppy disk and rename it to BIOS.WPH
Unplug the power lead and take out battery from laptop.
Switch both switches (1 and 2) underneath the keyboard on.
Attach USB floppy drive to the laptop, press and Hold “Fn” and “Esc” buttons together, then while holding down the buttons, plug in AC and turn on computer. You should still be holding “Fn” and “Esc”
The USB floppy drive indicator light should be lit up and assessing the crisis disk (can hear it working).
Don’t turn off the computer. This will go on for 3-5 minutes, so let it be until it stops. I left the machine alone for 10 mins. The machine should keep beeping throughout the process.
Switch the two switches under the keyboard back to off.
Reconnect battery and turn machine on.
Hope this helps.
Díky bože za křemík
http://sidrit.wordpress.com/2008/07/...er-apire-1360/ - návod na odstranění bios protekce
Díky bože za křemík
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