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  1. #1

    Standardní Re: G70 - G80 - Dualcore

    48 pixel shader processors? To má přeci už G70...? Takhle je to docela nicneříkající číslo; pokud tam není alespoň náznak jejich architektury, tak je to prakticky nulová informace

    Pro rejpaly preventivně: ano, už NV40 měla dva pixel shader procesory na pipeline (tzn. 32 celkem), prezentovala to tak i nVidia:

    takže G70 má 48 pixel shader jednotek
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  2. #2

    Standardní Re: G70 - G80 - Dualcore

    Tohle je zajímavý:

    Citace Původně odeslal caboosemoose
    When I met with Kirk in March 2004 during the build up to dropping the NV40 bomb I asked him about design lead times and how difficult it must be to choose the right feature set in such a fast moving market place when laying down the parameters of a chip that wouldn't be on sale for a couple of years minimum. And he intimated that at that time NV50 was essentially done and dusted. Not taped out or anything like that, but certainly complete in terms of high level design. In other words, you would infer from his comments that any decision regarding unified architectures and supporting AA with HDR would have already been taken back then. Of course, plans and products can and do change, but as we head towards DX10 it's kinda interesting to reflect on, I would think.
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  3. #3
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010

    Standardní Re: G70 - G80 - Dualcore

    GeForce 7600 GT and 7600 GS to promote H.264
    WE are happy to inform you that Nvidia plans to get aggressive on H.264 acceleration and HDTV support. A month ago we wrote about Nvidia's driver that is supposed to make H.264 much faster and we are still waiting for it. The driver should re-surface around Cebit time. If you remember, Nvidia usually have only four drivers each year, one per quarter.
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

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