Image Quality Showdown: ATI vs NVIDIA August '06

What we’ve found with texture shimmering is that it can be highly variable. You may never see it in one level of a game, and then in the next it’s impossible to miss it. In general texture shimmering is harder to spot in dark areas, and easiest to spot in bright, outdoor areas with long, flat surfaces. In this scenario texture shimmering can be very easy to spot, as textures on the ground in front of you are literally flickering before your eyes.

What makes texture shimmering really tricky though is that it can sometimes be incredibly difficult to spot in a static screenshot, and static screenshots are the #1 tool used by hardware reviewers to judge image quality. It’s easier to spot when you’re up and running in motion. Because of this, we’re going to rely primarily on videos, rather than screenshots, to spot texture shimmering.