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Téma: Kam dnes smeruje vyvoj 3d ozvucenia?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    1 061

    Standardní Kam dnes smeruje vyvoj 3d ozvucenia?

    Myslim ze je to zaujimava tema na diskusiu, na zaciatok odporucim tento clanok > http://www.tweaktown.com/document.ph...review&dId=695 < ale najma diskusiu k nemu, ktora je podla mna velmi zaujimava > http://forums.tweaktown.com/showthread.php?p=214448.

    Najma ma zaujal jeden dlhsi prispevok ohladom sucasneho stavu. Z toho mi to pripada tak, ze mnohi ludia porovnavaju iba kvalitu 2d zvuku (nieco ako kvalita 2d matrox vs nvidia vs ati), ale pritom v oblasti 3d je vyvoj este len na zaciatku.

    Vec ktora ma velmi sklamala ohladom soundstormu je, ze nvidia mala SS vyrabat aj ako addon kartu, ale po tom co creative kupilo firmu ktorej technologie boli licencovane v SS, uz ziaden dalsi SS, ani v chipsete ani nikde nebude. Z tohto pohladu sa mi zda, ze keby nebolo 3dfx v oblasti grafiky, mohli sme skoncit sice so zvysovanim kvality 2d obrazu, ale s tym ze 3dfx by malo prist az niekedy teraz. Pekne vidno co spravi konkurencia, nakolko v oblasti zvuku pre pc ma creative skoro monopol, a pekne to vidno na tom ze kupili tu firmu aby nvidia nemohla vyrabat soundstorm.

    Snad sa pohne vyvoj v oblasti 3d zvuku takym smerom, ako sa kedysi pohol vyvoj 3d grafiky... staci sa pozriet kde je dnes grafika a kde zvuk.
    3570K, 16G, x25-m, itx

  2. #2
    Senior Member VIP Avatar uživatele Arteee
    Hey Prague
    1 767


    No já jen můj první ohlas: Mě jen zaráží, jak se vyvalují 7.1 systémy, když bylo téměř dokázáno, že k navození prostorového věmu stačí bohatě 4 zdroje zvuku.... Tak to je má reakce ... Zbytečně se investuje do rozšiřování kanálů a jejich šíření (to obnáší vývoj DPS, formátů -.--), když by se mohlo investovat do vylepšení třebas stavájícího 5.1 formátu (i když stač 4.1)
    BA95 positive
    Jen mrtví poznají konec války. Platón

  3. #3


    Osobne si myslim, ze to tiez s tymi kanalmi zbytocne prehanaju. Pre mna je max pripustne 5.1 (teraz mam 4.1) lebo vyssie uz chcu mat zadne centre a to uz sa budem zamotavat do kablov. Jedneho casu bola v predaji taka jedna krabica, primarne urcena pre PSX a to malo udajne vytvarat priestoroovy zvuk. Ak to dobre hra tak by mi to uplne stacilo, aspon by bolo malo kablov.

    Ale v sucasnosti ma stev, ze hry casto podporuju stereo alebo potom az 5.1 a na nas, co sme pokupovali 4.1 nejak kaslu.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Prague / Czech Republic
    1 221


    imho pro naprosto dokonale zachyceni prostoroveho zvuku staci samozrejme pouhe dva kanaly.. vsak lide maji taky jen dve usi pro zajemce - najdete si neco o binaural recordings..
    /// Dell Latitude D600 | Dothan 1.7GHz@1.05V~800MHz@0.70V | 1024MB DDR266@2-3-3-6 | 40GB Hitachi Travelstar 5K80 | Samsung CD-RW/DVD SN-324S | Mobility Radeon 9000 32MB | 14.1" SXGA+ 1400x1050 | Broadcom 570x Gbps LAN | Intel PRO/Wireless 2100B WLAN ///

  5. #5
    Senior Member VIP Avatar uživatele Arteee
    Hey Prague
    1 767


    IMHO Pro požití dvou kanálů by jsi musel být v přesně navržené kulaté místnosti a být přesně v její těžišti... V případě obklopení 4mi zdroji částečně odpadá problém s akustikou místnosti a dokonale pokryje vjěm směrového šíření po tvé ose pohledu.
    BA95 positive
    Jen mrtví poznají konec války. Platón

  6. #6
    Senior Member
    Prague / Czech Republic
    1 221


    jeste lepsi efekt poskytuje kupodivu rozmisteni ctyr reprobeden pred posluchacem.. viz experimenty Davida Cheskyho, je o tom pojednani z jednoho setkani AES..
    /// Dell Latitude D600 | Dothan 1.7GHz@1.05V~800MHz@0.70V | 1024MB DDR266@2-3-3-6 | 40GB Hitachi Travelstar 5K80 | Samsung CD-RW/DVD SN-324S | Mobility Radeon 9000 32MB | 14.1" SXGA+ 1400x1050 | Broadcom 570x Gbps LAN | Intel PRO/Wireless 2100B WLAN ///

  7. #7


    No me osobne na prostorovem a vubec vicekanalovem zvuku stve, ze pro spravny vjem bych mel sedet pokud mozno v presne definovane pozici, stejne daleko od vsech repraku, pripadne provadet nejake korekce hlasitosti predku/zadku/boku apod. To je dost neprakticky - kdo ma furt kvuli tomu koumat jak umistit nabytek ze, ale netusim, jak to obejit... Snad jedina prostorovyma sluchatkama...
    Počítače šetří práci, čas a peníze... Vážně tomu někdo věří?
    Intel C2D @3.6GHz, GTX280, RAM: 2GB, HDD: 2TB

  8. #8
    Senior Member VIP Avatar uživatele Arteee
    Hey Prague
    1 767


    Citace Původně odeslal Glassman
    jeste lepsi efekt poskytuje kupodivu rozmisteni ctyr reprobeden pred posluchacem.. viz experimenty Davida Cheskyho, je o tom pojednani z jednoho setkani AES..
    jako vedle sebe ... proste jako se umistuje stereo?

    no ono je to logicky .... rozsiri se poselchovy horizont ... vyssi frekvence jsou strasne smerove a takle je udelas siroke
    BA95 positive
    Jen mrtví poznají konec války. Platón

  9. #9


    Citace Původně odeslal Glassman
    imho pro naprosto dokonale zachyceni prostoroveho zvuku staci samozrejme pouhe dva kanaly.. vsak lide maji taky jen dve usi pro zajemce - najdete si neco o binaural recordings..
    To asi nebude celkom pravda , tvoje dve usi totiz zvuk prijimaju, nie vydavaju... takze porovnavas neporovnatelne, to mas to iste akoby si chcel povedat staci nam jedna rozhlasova stanica ak mame len jedno radio...
    Dva bedne mozu navodit atmosferu dokonaleho priestoroveho zvuku ale je to tak zlozite ze je to v praxi uplne nerealizovatelne.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Prague / Czech Republic
    1 221


    nj to je druha vec, realizovatelnost.. na sluchatka to ale funguje temer dokonale
    /// Dell Latitude D600 | Dothan 1.7GHz@1.05V~800MHz@0.70V | 1024MB DDR266@2-3-3-6 | 40GB Hitachi Travelstar 5K80 | Samsung CD-RW/DVD SN-324S | Mobility Radeon 9000 32MB | 14.1" SXGA+ 1400x1050 | Broadcom 570x Gbps LAN | Intel PRO/Wireless 2100B WLAN ///

  11. #11
    Senior Member
    1 738


    Citace Původně odeslal Branik
    Citace Původně odeslal Glassman
    imho pro naprosto dokonale zachyceni prostoroveho zvuku staci samozrejme pouhe dva kanaly.. vsak lide maji taky jen dve usi pro zajemce - najdete si neco o binaural recordings..
    To asi nebude celkom pravda , tvoje dve usi totiz zvuk prijimaju, nie vydavaju... takze porovnavas neporovnatelne, to mas to iste akoby si chcel povedat staci nam jedna rozhlasova stanica ak mame len jedno radio...
    Dva bedne mozu navodit atmosferu dokonaleho priestoroveho zvuku ale je to tak zlozite ze je to v praxi uplne nerealizovatelne.
    A čo tak eliptický posluchový priestor - v jednom ohnisku stereo - stĺpy - chrbtom k sebe a v druhom ohnisku poslucháč. IMHO ideálna kombinácia - elipsa zaistí, že všetky odrazené vlny budú mať presne rovnako dlhú dráhu a stretnú sa v hlave poslucháča...
    SILENT PC ▌Athlon TB 2100+ @ 200x11, PrimeStable ▌Zalman CNPS7000A-Cu & Tt Copper Shim & AS Céramique ▌Abit NF7-S 1.2, NB Zalman ZM-NB47J, SB passive ▌512MB TwinMOS 333 @ 400, 11-2-2-2 ▌Sapphire R9600PRO VIVO @ 477 core, 716 RAM, cooled by Athlon box cooler & Papst ▌WDC800JB ▌Maxtor 30GB ▌NEC ND-3500A ▌Yamaha CRW2200E ▌400W Maxpower - add fan control&monitor & Papst ▌NeonLight case & Papst ▌LCD 4x20, LCD 2x8 ▌4xFan & 8xTemp. controller ▌21\" CRT monitor ▌A4tech infra mouse ▌Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard ▌Samsung ML1520 laser printer ▌

  12. #12
    Senior Member mince Avatar uživatele Aliencz
    1 229


    Konečné řešení je pouze formou BORG. Do konektoru na levé ruce zasuneš digitální kabel z 48.1 kanálového receiveru a přímo v mozku budeš zpracovávat 100% přesný prostorový zvuk. Vedle tebe sedící manželka neuslyší nic a může dále sledovat Emanuelu VII/147.

    Ale teď vážně. nedávno jsem četl článek nějakého audioblázna, který dlouhodobě dělá výzkumy s prostorovým zvukem. Šlo o to, že měl okolo sebe rozmístěno asi 40 reproduktorů úplně stejných a na takové mašině to testoval a vyvíjel. Bohužel ten článek nemůžu najít. Cesta k dokonalosti určitě nevede v zastavení se na 5.1, jak se tu někde výše uvádí, přestože to někomu může stačit (jako třeba mě). Rozdíl mezi 5.1 a 7.1 je naprosto zřetelný, pokud je zvuková stopa v tomto formátu zpracována.

  13. #13


    Citace Původně odeslal Glassman
    nj to je druha vec, realizovatelnost.. na sluchatka to ale funguje temer dokonale
    Porad marne shanim nejaky demostracni program (nebo alespon wavku), ktery by ukazal moznosti prostoroveho zvuku na sluchatkach.
    Nejake binauralni nahravky sem si stahoval, ale moc me to nepresvedcilo - na sluchatka posloucham jedine s Crossfeed ve Foobaru, ale i tak mam radsi poslech "na bednach"
    Mam jeste nekde v supliku Aureal Vortex1 - asi si zkusim nainstalovat Win98 a trosku si pohrat s A3D - ten by mel byt (narozdil od DirectSound3D + EAX) shopen celkem realne simulovat 3D zvuk na sluchatkach - no uvidim.
    Audiotrak Prodigy HD2 (2xOPA2134PA + LT1364) => Little Dot I+ (WE408A + AD8022) => Sennheiser HD555@595
    Asus Xonar D1 => Technics SU-A800 => Tesla 2xARN6608 + ARV-104

  14. #14


    Caleb: aureal vortex 1 , a3d fungovalo v demu co bylo na instalacnim cd a ve hrach Unreal a Outcast, jindy sem z toho fungujici efekty a3d nedostal,
    v Q3A to byla hruza a i v Unrealu se to obcas "zblaznilo"
    jinak HRTF algoritmy u a3d me pripadaly, ze skutecne neco delaly, teda ze byly slyset, coz se o hrach se Sensaurou rict neda
    i3-2120 + intel Deer Flat (P67) + 8 GB DDR3 1333 + Radeon HD 6850 + Crucial M4 + WDC WD5002ABYS + Seasonic G-550 + Redstar U-703; w7 Pro x64

  15. #15
    Senior Member
    1 061


    Hm, ale ja som tou diskusiou mal namysli najma kvalitu (realitu) 3d zvuku v hre. Ten vyvojar co tam pisal do toho povodneho fora to prirovnal k 2d spritom na postavickach v doome 1. Vycital tam nedostatocnu dokumentaciu, moznosti nastavovania dsp atd. Prakticky skonstatoval ze nikomu sa teraz nechce (alebo neda? - koli limitom HW) urobit poriadny 3d engine na zvuk, teda taky ktory by naozaj bral ohlad na tvar miestnosti, materialom na stenach atd. Myslim miestnost v hre, nie real miestnost. Ved ani doom3 sound engine nepouziva EAX. Asi ten jeho post preposlem sem...

    Ad umiestnenie posluchaca uprostred reprakov - myslim ze nejaka firma (sony, technics?) mala taky system, ze sa staci posadit, tlesknut a podla toho kedy dorazi zvuk tlesknutia do reprakov sa to uz samo nastavi tak, aby som bol akoze v strede (teda - mozem napr. sediet pri okraji, ale potom mi to primerane stisi tie repraky co som k nim blizsie a zase zvysi hlasitost tych vzdialenejsich).

    IMHO rozdiel medzi skutocnym 5.1 a stereom je asi ako medzi stereom a monom. Skoda len ze take skutocne 5.1 mozeme mat tak mozno v dvd firmoch (a to nie vsetky, efekty mozu byt 5.1, ale rozhodne nie komplet film - takych 100% 5.1 je pomenej) v hrach to uz je velmi primitivne, viz ten anglicky post....
    3570K, 16G, x25-m, itx

  16. #16
    Senior Member
    1 061


    Citace Původně odeslal hoak
    From a Sound Designer's perspective a much larger issue and limitation to "What’s up with computer audio?" is that most of the market is driven by game sound and the status of what is regarded as 'State-Of-The-Art' in game sound render is laughable to be generous.

    To be fair, until recently sound render capability and fidelity in games has really not been much of a concern with good reason; games and game design haven't offered the level of play detail and subtlety to take advantage of much more then crude 'positional' sound render capabilities, and as far as fidelity is concerned most game Fans listen to game sound on the most abject sound hardware as far as fidelity is concerned even when under the illusion they have purchased State-Of-The-Art rig.

    There are a slew of issues and challenges unique to game sound rendering that will only be overcome when some generous or concerned Developers and Programmers assumes the onus of seriously addressing them -- to date no one has. Fundamental issues and serious limitations of game sound render that bring it in way below the bar of what's technically feasible can be summarized (in no particular order):

    · limited dynamic range (due to the following)
    · crude sub-mixing of multiple sound channels
    · gross compression/companding
    · simplistic, crude compression and companding algorithms
    · gross interactions between mixer, compression and companding
    · lack of sound and level designer control over aforesaid parameters
    · complete lack of even the most basic engineering documentation of the aforesaid
    · no (or very crude) steridian based boundary effects
    · use of cheap canned DSP & positional libraries
    · very poor perspective (first to third person) and proximity effects
    · crap-tastic tools (worst in the industry)
    · no security
    · poor sync
    · undocumented black-box sound manipulation

    As just about everything that can be wrong with sound render in games is wrong even the smallest concerted attempt at addressing some some of these issues with the crudest of solutions would be a God Send. In many cases issues and limitation of crusty sound renderer 'back planes' and features could be overcome by the simple expedient of documenting how they perform and at the very least offering Sound & Level Designers means to disable mixer compression, ACG, and DSP effects and features, and create or adjust these effects statically/manually.

    Arguably the largest issue confronting fidelity in game sound render is having automated dynamic mixing of an indefinite and changing number of sound sources, of dynamic position and not have them overload. In essence sound renderers are required to automate the task of live show Sound Engineer that is setting up for multiple performers, performing different kinds of music with different instruments, different number of performers in each ensemble, and different musical genera on-the-fly -- a virtually impossible task with no automation, only crude DSP, and very crude compression schemes.

    The current solution has bee to use massive amounts of audio compression and companding (not to be confused with digital file compression) reducing dynamic range on a heinous scale -- and while this is a better sounding solution gross digital overload -- the dynamic range achieved and double digit distortion figures obviate any need for high fidelity audio hardware beyond the cheapest EAX compatible card and discount headphones that aren't physically painful to wear. The surround sound processing offered by even the best audio hardware and game renderers is little more then laughable marketing gimmick to be polite.

    The value of decent sound render performance capability won't be readily apparent unless or until it's available for a capable Sound Designer and Game Designer to collaborate and exploit and the results won't be the 'knock your socks off' kind of thing like HUGE explosions and cheap positional panning effects of jets, or magical plasma balls screaming past or behind you... The value and benefit will be realized in subtlety and deep immersive aspects of atmosphere. When acoustics environmental transition effects match the virtual space being rendered a lot of the subtle cues and atmosphere of the kind that can raise hair on your neck, make you shiver, uncomfortable, awe-struck, or those spooky jolts of adrenaline you don't quite understand will be achievable in games. Wind won't have to sound like the choofing on the news anchor mans microphone, and the subtle sonic density of the game world will be rich on a scale that is larger the the visual difference from Doom to Doom III. With decent sub-mixing, and control over compression schemes compelling dynamic range and transient effects can be had without a mud-slide of slew distortion offering even the most jaded drama and intensity freaks a case of the 'WoWoWs™'.

    Summarily with decent sound render capability there is the potential for realistic sound that will consistently lift you out of your seat and when environmental acoustics and ambient Foley match the spacial geometry of spaces rendered there is a powerful sense of what I call 'WoWoW™' because of ear/eye/brain psycho-visual-acoustic fusion in processing this environmental information -- to date no games are able to offer this consistently.

    A substantial improvement doesn't require massive engineering, a million lines of code, or even any real innovation. Just hire capable Game Sound Designers and PAY them!

    A lot of the code for much higher quality DSP, compression and automated mixing processing then found in games today is available for free in low resource open source DSP DirectX and VST audio plug-ins library projects; and even better work is available commercially. Game engine architecture that could use DX or VST plugs would be a real breakthrough allowing Sound Designers to do what Level Designers are finally just able to do with modern IDE Level Tools: sound design, and post production in real time on-the-fly. Programmable DSP in audio hardware that was more akin to the Nvidia's 'Programmable Graphics Technology' would really usher in a 'Next Generation' of audio DSP -- EAX needs a lot of work to even approach parity with what's possible in graphics processing and render.

    I'm well aware when I hoof, choof with a rant like this I'm suggesting looks time consuming expensive and 'way down the line' as far as feasibility and marketability. But there are incremental, low/no cost and code solutions that would be a huge step in the right direction. My Big Three are (in order of importance/value):

    · documentation
    · separate status assignable sound channels
    · on/off control for games sub-mixing and DSP

    Documentation should be priority number one; having to design sound for black-box DSP and mixing, where you don't have a clue of the thresholds, range, or actual specifications of the DSP being applied by the game's sound renderer -- you're screwed into an enormously wasteful situation of trial and error, and half-assed results. This (and the state of the industry) is probably why there are so may amateur game Sound Designers that 'seem' to get acceptable results, and so few real Sound Designers/Engineers that are willing to bother or take the work seriously.

    The whole EAX, Miles, AC3 HTRF positional foo-faw in current sound renderers is to be blunt -- dated crap. In the words of of Audio Engineer Frank Van Alstine it's 'Marketing' i.e. 'using fraud and deception to sell crud to fools' or 'selling the package rather then the contents'. The difference calculated on first to third person perspectives, positional, indoor and outdoor acoustic paths is so simplistic that it's cruder then the graphics equivalent of using DooM's 2D sprites for player models. To be fair some of these products are being worked on and will see progress and improvement, but some are little more then 'Marketing Brands' for dated work that's an embarrassment to Audio Engineering and Sound Design.

    Manual setup and greater control over mixing and DSP effects would allow for using much more capable and powerful DSP in post processing sound for a games. Comparisons between SoundBlaster Audigy II's laughable EAX reverbs and modern convolved and sampled reverbs are differences anyone can easily hear and appreciate. Being able to control the threshold of AGC and companding and the ratio of compression would be a dream come true, but just being able to turn the crappy processing off or set a threshold would be a huge leap forward.

    These results and improvements that can be had are not small; a good analogy is you can tell the difference playing a stereo music CD vs monophonic AM radio through the cheapest and crudest audio hardware, even a three inch PM speaker driven by a half watt audio amplifier is adequate for nearly anyone to appreciate the difference and potential.
    Tak co si o tom myslite? Podla mna je to celkom pravdive....
    3570K, 16G, x25-m, itx

  17. #17


    Citace Původně odeslal THX_Corp
    ..... Ved ani doom3 sound engine nepouziva EAX. Asi ten jeho post preposlem sem...
    Trosku OT - Doom 3 mel asi nejlepe naprogramovany 3D zvuk ze vsech her co sem kdy hral - perfefktni lokalizace vsech zvuku v prostoru - kdyz se clovek otacel, presne se pohybovaly i zdroje zvuku - u jinych her mam pouze pocit jakoby se zdroj zvuku prepinal mezi jednotlive reproduktory.
    EAX je sice pekna vec, ale drtiva vetsina her ma efekty prehnane silne
    BTW: engine Dooma3 EAX HD podporuje, pouze nebyl v teto hre pouzit.
    Audiotrak Prodigy HD2 (2xOPA2134PA + LT1364) => Little Dot I+ (WE408A + AD8022) => Sennheiser HD555@595
    Asus Xonar D1 => Technics SU-A800 => Tesla 2xARN6608 + ARV-104

  18. #18
    Senior Member
    1 061


    http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=0...&tid=141&tid=1 < dalsia diskusia, 350 prispevkov .... to len keby niekoho tato tema extremne zaujala...

    Caleb> myslim ze rozdiel vo zvuku medzi d1 a d3 nie je az taky ako rozdiel grafiky...
    A tiez som niekde cital ze sice bude patch pre doom3 aby pouzival eax, ale to len koli tomu ze tesne pred dokoncenim dooma sa ozvalo creative ze ma patentovanu nejaku techniku ohladom tienov, tak to skoncilo dohodou ze id spravia patch na eax pre doom....
    Mi pripada creative skoro ako telecom, alebo MS...
    3570K, 16G, x25-m, itx

  19. #19

  20. #20
    Senior Member
    1 738
    SILENT PC ▌Athlon TB 2100+ @ 200x11, PrimeStable ▌Zalman CNPS7000A-Cu & Tt Copper Shim & AS Céramique ▌Abit NF7-S 1.2, NB Zalman ZM-NB47J, SB passive ▌512MB TwinMOS 333 @ 400, 11-2-2-2 ▌Sapphire R9600PRO VIVO @ 477 core, 716 RAM, cooled by Athlon box cooler & Papst ▌WDC800JB ▌Maxtor 30GB ▌NEC ND-3500A ▌Yamaha CRW2200E ▌400W Maxpower - add fan control&monitor & Papst ▌NeonLight case & Papst ▌LCD 4x20, LCD 2x8 ▌4xFan & 8xTemp. controller ▌21\" CRT monitor ▌A4tech infra mouse ▌Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard ▌Samsung ML1520 laser printer ▌

  21. #21
    Senior Member
    1 061


    to mi silne pripomina NVIDIA CineSurround... downmix z 5.1 alebo 4.1 na 2 kanaly...
    EDIT: tak som si to popocuval a je tam dost pridanehej ozveny, uz aj na 17 rocnom magnetofone toshiba RT-SX3 je taka moznost ze wide stereo ktora pridava nejaky jednoduchy efekt, ktory sposobi ze hudba znie priestorovo...
    EDIT2: a ten dolby speaker znie skoro ako ked si na soundstorme zapnem 3d ozvenu...
    3570K, 16G, x25-m, itx

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