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Téma: ATI CrossFire

  1. #51
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Ehm, neco pravdy v tom je, samozrejme jako vzdy to nejsou jen PR kecy.

    To ze Crossfire prislo pozde je pravda.
    To ze jen ten propojovaci kablik hrozny, je taky pravda.
    Posledni stranka bez komentare, sel jsem pod stul

    Btw. neni zvlastni, ze kdyz G70 tolik zere, ze nepotrebuje dual slot chladic? A skoro 150W sezere uz X850.
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  2. #52


    Otázka je, jestli tohle sepsal nějakej nV-lover, nebo jestli je to skutečně od nVidie a je to schválně sepsaný takovýmhle "neoficiálním " (lamerským) způsobem.

    oficiální slajdy o R420 a o Kyru vypadaly jinak

    Masster: Opakuju ti to už po třetí - 6800 Ultra taky původně neměla dual-slot chladič byl to jen marketingový tah na uklidnění těch, co se obávali vysoký spotřeby. Jestli má GF7800 jádro větší než NV40 a nepoužívá low-k, tak nemůže mít nižší spotřebu
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  3. #53
    Senior Member minceVIP Avatar uživatele sisi
    Auckland, NZ
    2 176


    Citace Původně odeslal Masster
    A skoro 150W sezere uz X850.
    Ani zdaleka...

    Anyway, bol by som nerad, keby sa tu tato diskusia zvrhla kvoli jednemu pdf-ku, ktoreho povod je pochybny...
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3.2GHz (8 * 400MHz) @ 1.3V with Zalman CNPS9500 AT @ 1800RPM, ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi, 2x1GB Corsair Twin2X PC2-6400 DDRAM @ 400MHz (4-4-4-12) @ 2.1V, Leadtek 8800GT 512MB, WD Caviar SE16 250GB, Asus DRW-1608P3S, Creative SB Audigy Value, Logitech X-230 speakers, Enermax Liberty 400W, 2x120mm Thermaltake case fan @ 1800RPM, Thermaltake Aguila black case, HP LP2065 LCD, Logitech MX400

  4. #54
    Member mince
    Větřní (okres Č. Krumlov)


    Citace Původně odeslal masster
    Btw. neni zvlastni, ze kdyz G70 tolik zere, ze nepotrebuje dual slot chladic?
    taky podle toho ta sample karta vypadala... hezky prišmahlá
    navic se polemizuje i o tom ze finalni verze bude pravdepodobne DualSlot jak u nove ATi tak i nV...

    taky bych moh vydat datasheet a rict ze nevyhodou SLI s G70 bude potreba nuklearni elektrarny za barakem

    sorry 4OT
    DFI LP UT nF3 250GB |AMD Sempron 2600+@2500MHz |1024MB DDR400|Leadtek GF6800STD@16pipe@380/866 (11700b - 03, 4600b - 05)|Maxtor DM10 160GB + IBM DTLA307030|Silicon Image ATA133 RAID|Logitech MX1000 Laser

  5. #55
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Citace Původně odeslal no-X
    Masster: Opakuju ti to už po třetí - 6800 Ultra taky původně neměla dual-slot chladič byl to jen marketingový tah na uklidnění těch, co se obávali vysoký spotřeby. Jestli má GF7800 jádro větší než NV40 a nepoužívá low-k, tak nemůže mít nižší spotřebu
    A co jako? Pisu nekde, ze nezere tolik nebo vic? Ne Vidis vic, nez pisu.

    sisi: Myslel jsem samozrejme spotrebu celeho systemu, jen jsem to spatne napsal.

    Alfik: Pokud vyjde Ultra, tak GT-cko bude urcite single slot.

    no-X: Oh, najednou jsem ja zacal
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  6. #56


    A co jako? Pisu nekde, ze nezere tolik nebo vic? Ne Vidis vic, nez pisu.
    Vidím, že sem taháš G70, která v tomhle threadu nemá vůbec co dělat

    /konec OT z mojí strany
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

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    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  7. #57


    sisi doufám promine, ale tohle STOJÍ ZA TO

    Citace Původně odeslal Demirug
    Looks like somebody forget to remove the comments from the powerpoint file before converting it to a pdf:

    (So customers are paying for SLI \(through unused transistors\) even if they only want to run a single card...

    (Internal connector which won't connect correctly if slots are off by even a few millimetres...)

    (Requires two identical graphics cards...hopefully they can find them when they want them...)

    (If card manufacturers make bios changes mid-production run and customers want to upgrade down the road they are SOL...)

    (compatible with what?? 80 games? doesn't sound like an entire ecosystem if you ask me...)

    (Nvidia is so scared of CrossFire tha they are pre-launching their G70. They know their NV4x SLI platform won't cut it!)

    (They don't deny that we have better performance, they are just complaining that we have only shown 3 games to beat them with...)

    (glad they scknowledge that our single card beats their single card!)

    (how is this different form their split screen method?? their aren't able to scale geometry either! )

    (in the desert someone stranded will drink their own sweat...doesn't mean its any good...)

    (wasted transistors, enthusiasts want leading technology, not something Nvidia slaps together)

    (nvidia is rushing out news of their next-gen beacuse they are scared of CrossFire)

    (when Nvidia was scared by R300 they rushed news of NV30 out to the masses. They promised the world and they delivered a dog. now they are making the same great promises with G70... deja vu??)

    (1 year in and they can only support ~80 games.)
    Citace Původně odeslal Jawed
    Hey, that's weird, the version of this PDF I downloaded has no comments in it at all.

    Citace Původně odeslal Demirug
    You can't see them with a PDF reader. Yoe need a hex editor or something like this.

    Stručně - v tom PDFku jsu báječný komentáře (viz citace), ale v Acrobatu nejsou vidět - stačí dokument otevřít např. přes "lister" (F3), zobrazit třeba jako HTML a můžete si je přečíst
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  8. #58
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    No tak ted uz je doufam jasne, ze tohle nepochazi od nV

    Btw. by me docela zajimalo, kdo normalni otevira pdf v hex editoru, neni to zvlastni shoda "nahod"?
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  9. #59


    Spíš je pravděpodobný, že tam ty komentáře někdo dopsal Nedivím se, že to někdo otevírá v hex editoru, zvlášť když se snaží dopátrat, od koho ten pamflet pochází

    jAkUp to hodil na nvnews, IbaneZ na Beyond 3D na to hodil link a Demirug, kterej na to narazil na Beyond3D, to otevřel v hex editoru. Ta tvoje podezíravost hraničí až se schizofrenií
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  10. #60
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Citace Původně odeslal no-X
    jAkUp to hodil na nvnews, IbaneZ na Beyond 3D na to hodil link a Demirug, kterej na to narazil na Beyond3D, to otevřel v hex editoru. Ta tvoje podezíravost hraničí až se schizofrenií
    Tomu se rika paranoia, zkus si projit slovnik cizich slov

    Dal uz bych se k tomuhle tematu nevracel. Pokud to sisi-mu prijde moc, tak at to klidne smaze, imho to melo uz od zacatku byt ve vtipech.
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  11. #61


    Stanovisko ATi nemůže být na škodu

    Citace Původně odeslal Patricia Mikula, the Public Relations Manager for Desktop Products at ATi
    Here’s what happened. We received the PDF in question from a “source”. As I understand it they forwarded it to us because they thought we should see what is being said about us. I made “comments” in the document which, in Acrobat show up as yellow thought-bubble type thingies. I sent the document back to others within ATI and actually referred to the saved document as “with Patti’s angry comments”. (How could I not be angry – have you read the document??) Anyway, I digress…

    Someone deleted the comments and forwarded the document on. No one realized that the comments were embedded in the file still. I can assure you that we did not create the document.
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

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    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  12. #62

  13. #63


    No ATI Crossfire before the R520?

    With the X850 and X800 Master Edition, ATI showed that the second most succesful architecture in history of 3D world, the first being of course 3dfx Voodoo, has its limits and that not everything can go according to plan.

    With Crossfire logic supposedly being implemented into every R520 chip out there, making a costly and problematic Crossfire off-die chip would be a thing of the past, the most elegant thing for ATI is just to hold on to Crossfire until Fudo arrives. However, this extra time will do great things for ATI, since engineers now have time for a final set of tweaks that should help ATi to wipe the floor with SLI mop. Of course, that is the plan.
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

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    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  14. #64
    Banned Avatar uživatele Semik
    2 604


    Ten 3Dmark05 sa mi zda nejaky slaby (Na to ze to je "SLI" ) ked jedna 7800GTX da 11k

    ASUS A8N-SLI Premium
    AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 @ 3.56GHz, 2 x 512MB GSkill DDR600
    ASUS EN7800GTX @ 702Mhz/1506MHz

  15. #65


    Testy CrossFire X850XT, X800PRO, X700PRO, X700 a X300SE
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

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    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  16. #66

  17. #67


    CrossFire launch: 28.-31.7.2005?

    Georgia Declares Tax Free Holiday!
    Thursday, July 28 - Sunday, July 31

    We've got all the hottest manufacturers coming out to support our customers. Meet with their reps one-on-one to discuss current or future technologies, as well as seeing demos of their latest products! Be among the first in North America to see ATI's Crossfire! See demos of our new line of Entertainment Media Center PCs by Intel and Microsoft. You could win one of $1000s in prizes and giveaways from Western Digital, Sapphire, and Connect 3D.
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

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    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  18. #68


    První CrossFire review!

    edit: tak jsem to prolít, moc tam toho není, ale aspoň pár zajímavých grafů
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  19. #69
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Tohle je review?!!! No to snad ne....
    Opet AF nikde, na to uz jsem si ale u Anandtechu zvykl, ale tentokrat nekde chybi i AA....jejich neschopnost ho zprovoznit me nejak netrapi...jako preview bych to mozna zkousl, ale tohle je moc.
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  20. #70


    Ber to tak, že chtěli být první, museli to uplácat narychlo Mě se to taky moc nezamlouvá, ale pořád lepší než jen dva grafy z 3DMarku, který byly doposud...
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  21. #71


    ATI 'enables' CrossFire on Intel 955X chipset
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

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    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  22. #72


    Na Inquireru se objevila fotka Crossifre boardu od Sapphiru (!), zda se, ze Sapphire to s MB mysli vazne

    Black holes are where God divided by zero. - Steven Wright
    2600K s AC HF14 | P8P67Deluxe s 16GB DDR3 | GTX1080 s LP2480zx | EVO850 s ICH10R | X-Fi s HD555 | TripleXtreme 360 s HPPS+ | Windows 10 + 7

  23. #73


    recenze ještě tenhle měsíc, dostupnost v září

    Citace Původně odeslal Dave Baumann
    Rick made note that all of ATI’s current products will use 90nm from TSMC initially, but they will spread to other fab partners in time. He also mentioned that there is a fourth PC product based on 90nm currently underway, which could be the rumoured R580 product. ATI’s Crossfire, dual graphics system, is also another design that was announced some time back but has seen some delays, however Rick points states that samples will be ready to go to press in August with the platform shipping in September.
    Beyond 3D
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

  24. #74
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Hm, takze nakonec puvodni Crossfire bylo DoA ze?
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  25. #75


    Je to stejný jako s SLI.
    senzory pro DF - DSLR | senzory pro DF - kompakty a EVF | senzory pro DF - mosaic masky | senzory pro DF - full-color masky | filtry pro DF #1 / #2 | tisk DF na inkoustech od Canonu | M42 skla pro DSLR | Thoriové sklo a M42 objektivy

    Neděkujte, nenadávejte, pokud se vám něco líbí nebo nelíbí, používejte prosím reputaci
    (tj. ikonka s vahami pod avatarem)

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  1. ATI Catalyst™ 8.2
    Založil Spajdr v sekci fóra Grafické karty
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    Poslední příspěvek: 01.03.2008, 15:28
  2. ATI Catalyst™ 7.12
    Založil flash v sekci fóra Grafické karty
    Odpovědí: 17
    Poslední příspěvek: 07.01.2008, 18:35
  3. ATi Catalyst™ 6.8
    Založil no-X v sekci fóra Grafické karty
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    Poslední příspěvek: 29.09.2006, 22:24
  4. Ati Catalyst 6.5 WHQL
    Založil Spajdr v sekci fóra Grafické karty
    Odpovědí: 9
    Poslední příspěvek: 29.05.2006, 07:20
  5. ATI Catalyst™ 5.11 WHQL
    Založil Spajdr v sekci fóra Grafické karty
    Odpovědí: 33
    Poslední příspěvek: 27.11.2005, 21:36

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