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Téma: RivaTuner FAQ

  1. #1
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Over
    2 396

    Standardní RivaTuner FAQ

    ***Toto téma bylo založeno z důvodu častých otázek okolo nastavení RivaTuneru a problémů s ním. Takže aby se nám to zbytečně netříštilo v celé sekci nvidia, směřujte další dotazy nejlépe sem, bude to přehlednější jak pro ty co přispívají, tak i pro ty co hledají odpovědi***THX

    FAQ pro začátečníky s RivaTunerem (EN)
    Taktovaní jádra a pamětí
    Nastavení otáček chladiče grafické karty
    Přetaktovaní shaderů na 8800
    Naposledy upravil Over; 29.12.2008 v 17:13.

  2. #2

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    VOCAL POST MESSAGE: System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...

  3. #3
    Senior Member

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    RivaTuner 2.0 RC 16 , který podporuje i NV 7900

  4. #4

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Jelikoz mam neblahou zkusenost s prehranim grafiky. Chtel jsem nastavit v RivaTuneru Threshold setting na urcitou hodnotu. Presne podle tohoto clanku:
    To znamena zadal jsem prikaz "C:\Windows\System32\Shutdown.exe -s -t 0 -f" A nastavil teplotu pri ktere se ma vykonat+ dobu v ms po kterou ma teplota setrvat nez se provede prikaz. Nastavil jsem pro test teplotu nizsi nez je teplota jadra abych jsem mohl vyzkouset funkcnost, Ale nic se jaksi nedeje. Nevite co muze byt spatne. Diky za odpovedi.
    PC1:Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650
    Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme+Noctua NF-P12-1300, Asus P5Q-Deluxe (intel P45), Geil Ultra Plus Dual Channel kit 2x2048MB- 1066MHz@800MHz 5-5-5-15-2.30V, Nvidia BFG GTX285-1GB@702-2800MHz, 2x WD6400AAKS-640GB RAID0, Corsair TX850 850W, LG GH22LS30-SATA

    PC2: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5050EE@2600MHz Ninja Mini, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G),2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12,WD10EADS-1TB, Chieftec 270W, LG GSA-H66N-SATA
    PC3: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5400+@2800MHz AM2, box Phenom BE cooler, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G), 2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12, Power Color AX 4670/512MB, WD6400AAKS-640GB SATAII, Chieftec-270W, LG SuperMulti GSA-H55N-IDE

  5. #5

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    me pro zmenu nefunguje ve verzi 20 RC16, snizeni otracek vetraku na GPU.
    delal jsem to step by step, presne podle manualu. frekvence jsou v poradku jak si nastavim, dokonce nastavim i ty otacky na 50%/50%/100%. ulozim, RT si to pamatuje ale pece na to. karta jede porad 100% otackama (

    Laser G9 + Logitech G930

  6. #6

    Standardní Doplneni

    Mam pocit ze by to mohlo byt tim, ze moje karta 6800GS AGP Neni plne verzi 15.8 podporovana, i kdyz teplotu meri dobre? Proto se chci zeptat jak optimalne updatovat RivaTuner preinstalace a nebo odinstalace a nesledna instalace nove verze? Diky
    PC1:Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650
    Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme+Noctua NF-P12-1300, Asus P5Q-Deluxe (intel P45), Geil Ultra Plus Dual Channel kit 2x2048MB- 1066MHz@800MHz 5-5-5-15-2.30V, Nvidia BFG GTX285-1GB@702-2800MHz, 2x WD6400AAKS-640GB RAID0, Corsair TX850 850W, LG GH22LS30-SATA

    PC2: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5050EE@2600MHz Ninja Mini, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G),2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12,WD10EADS-1TB, Chieftec 270W, LG GSA-H66N-SATA
    PC3: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5400+@2800MHz AM2, box Phenom BE cooler, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G), 2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12, Power Color AX 4670/512MB, WD6400AAKS-640GB SATAII, Chieftec-270W, LG SuperMulti GSA-H55N-IDE

  7. #7

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Citace Původně odeslal Guide-Bot
    me pro zmenu nefunguje ve verzi 20 RC16, snizeni otracek vetraku na GPU.
    delal jsem to step by step, presne podle manualu. frekvence jsou v poradku jak si nastavim, dokonce nastavim i ty otacky na 50%/50%/100%. ulozim, RT si to pamatuje ale pece na to. karta jede porad 100% otackama (
    Podle me to musi karta zaroven umoznovat SpeedFanem taky nejdou regulovat vsechny desky a k nim pripojeny vetracky.
    PC1:Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650
    Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme+Noctua NF-P12-1300, Asus P5Q-Deluxe (intel P45), Geil Ultra Plus Dual Channel kit 2x2048MB- 1066MHz@800MHz 5-5-5-15-2.30V, Nvidia BFG GTX285-1GB@702-2800MHz, 2x WD6400AAKS-640GB RAID0, Corsair TX850 850W, LG GH22LS30-SATA

    PC2: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5050EE@2600MHz Ninja Mini, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G),2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12,WD10EADS-1TB, Chieftec 270W, LG GSA-H66N-SATA
    PC3: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5400+@2800MHz AM2, box Phenom BE cooler, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G), 2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12, Power Color AX 4670/512MB, WD6400AAKS-640GB SATAII, Chieftec-270W, LG SuperMulti GSA-H55N-IDE

  8. #8

    Standardní Základ

    Potřeboal bych nějaké základy s overclockingem v Riva turner česky a čeho se mám držet,zatim mam starou graf.kartu GF FX5200 128 MB tak bych se to na ní rád naučil než tam šoupnu novou,děkuji za odpovědi....Matrixx

  9. #9

  10. #10

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Citace Původně odeslal Martin Šrámek
    Podle me to musi karta zaroven umoznovat SpeedFanem taky nejdou regulovat vsechny desky a k nim pripojeny vetracky.
    pockat jak k desce me jde o to regulovat vetracek na karte.

    Laser G9 + Logitech G930

  11. #11

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Citace Původně odeslal Guide-Bot
    pockat jak k desce me jde o to regulovat vetracek na karte.
    Chci tim jenom rict ze nektery grafarny nejdou regulovat RivaTunerem, stejne jako vetracky na boardu SpeedFanem (je na regulaci vetracku na deskach stejne jako RivaTunerna grafikach).Protoze bud nemaj hw. obvody pro regulaci a nebo je ten program nepodporuje. Coz i Tvuj pripad mas totiz Leadtek 7600 a u ty jsem to cetl v recenzi. Jde to jenom nejakou utilitou co je ke kartam Leadtek a je to nekde hluboku v nastaveni ale jde to.
    PC1:Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650
    Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme+Noctua NF-P12-1300, Asus P5Q-Deluxe (intel P45), Geil Ultra Plus Dual Channel kit 2x2048MB- 1066MHz@800MHz 5-5-5-15-2.30V, Nvidia BFG GTX285-1GB@702-2800MHz, 2x WD6400AAKS-640GB RAID0, Corsair TX850 850W, LG GH22LS30-SATA

    PC2: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5050EE@2600MHz Ninja Mini, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G),2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12,WD10EADS-1TB, Chieftec 270W, LG GSA-H66N-SATA
    PC3: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5400+@2800MHz AM2, box Phenom BE cooler, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G), 2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12, Power Color AX 4670/512MB, WD6400AAKS-640GB SATAII, Chieftec-270W, LG SuperMulti GSA-H55N-IDE

  12. #12
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Over
    2 396

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Citace Původně odeslal Guide-Bot
    pockat jak k desce me jde o to regulovat vetracek na karte.
    zkus EXPERTool

    zde návod na tweak EXPERTool pro zvětšení rozsahu nastavení otáček ventilátoru od 0%-100% (def. 50%-100%)

  13. #13

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Citace Původně odeslal Martin Šrámek
    Chci tim jenom rict ze nektery grafarny nejdou regulovat RivaTunerem, stejne jako vetracky na boardu SpeedFanem (je na regulaci vetracku na deskach stejne jako RivaTunerna grafikach).Protoze bud nemaj hw. obvody pro regulaci a nebo je ten program nepodporuje. Coz i Tvuj pripad mas totiz Leadtek 7600 a u ty jsem to cetl v recenzi. Jde to jenom nejakou utilitou co je ke kartam Leadtek a je to nekde hluboku v nastaveni ale jde to.
    no je to takovej kruh, porad dokola. jde to udajne jen winfoxem, jenze na CD je neaktualni verze, ta se da stahnout pres live update, jenze ja na tom kompu nemam net )

    gr gr gr

    Laser G9 + Logitech G930

  14. #14
    Senior Member

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Citace Původně odeslal Guide-Bot
    no je to takovej kruh, porad dokola. jde to udajne jen winfoxem, jenze na CD je neaktualni verze, ta se da stahnout pres live update, jenze ja na tom kompu nemam net )

    gr gr gr
    Pokud vis presne, jake otacky ventilatoru chces pro jednotlive rezimy nastavit, tak je natvrdo nastav v biosu karty, ne?

    Tady mas navod na NiBiTor:

    Pokud si na to netroufas, tak mi ten bios posli a ja ho upravim, ale myslim, ze konkretne zmena otacek ventilatoru je velmi jednoducha uprava...

  15. #15

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Je lepsi preinstalovat a nebo odinstalovat a nainstalovat novou verzi?
    PC1:Intel Core 2 Quad Q9650
    Thermalright Ultra-120 eXtreme+Noctua NF-P12-1300, Asus P5Q-Deluxe (intel P45), Geil Ultra Plus Dual Channel kit 2x2048MB- 1066MHz@800MHz 5-5-5-15-2.30V, Nvidia BFG GTX285-1GB@702-2800MHz, 2x WD6400AAKS-640GB RAID0, Corsair TX850 850W, LG GH22LS30-SATA

    PC2: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5050EE@2600MHz Ninja Mini, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G),2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12,WD10EADS-1TB, Chieftec 270W, LG GSA-H66N-SATA
    PC3: AMD Athlon X2 BE-5400+@2800MHz AM2, box Phenom BE cooler, Asus M2A-VM HDMI (690G), 2x 2048Mb Patriot 800MHz-4-4-4-12, Power Color AX 4670/512MB, WD6400AAKS-640GB SATAII, Chieftec-270W, LG SuperMulti GSA-H55N-IDE

  16. #16
    Member Avatar uživatele erik_1

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Citace Původně odeslal Guide-Bot
    me pro zmenu nefunguje ve verzi 20 RC16, snizeni otracek vetraku na GPU.
    delal jsem to step by step, presne podle manualu. frekvence jsou v poradku jak si nastavim, dokonce nastavim i ty otacky na 50%/50%/100%. ulozim, RT si to pamatuje ale pece na to. karta jede porad 100% otackama (
    No tak ja som RT rozbehal na mojej karte LEADTEK..myslim ze taku presne mas aj ale ako docielim to aby sa mi ukazovalo medzi grafmi aj otacky ventilatora...pocujem ze klesaju a narastaju ale v tray vidim len teplotu jadra....a nikde neviem nastavit aby tam boli aj otacky ventilatora...
    Ak niekto vie pomoct tak vopred dakujem

  17. #17
    Senior Member mince Avatar uživatele Halen
    Martinice v Krkonoších
    1 742

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Mam problem s nastavenim frekvence pameti pro 2D/Perform3D. Jakmile se prepnu do 3D, zafunguje to dobre, zvedne se frekvence jadra i pameti, ale po navratu do windows se snizi jen frekvence jadra, pameti zustanou pretaktovany.
    Co s tim, help.

    Pak mam stejny problem jako Erik_1, monitoring otacek vetraku, taky slysim zmenu otacek, ale nemuzu vybrat graf pro zobrazeni.
    AMD A64-7750-X2-BE 2700@3000MHz (15x200/1,3V) | AC Freezer Extreme | 4xArctic FAN Pro TC 80x80 | Gigabyte MA78G-DS3H | A-DATA 2x2GB 1066Mhz 5-5-5-15-2T | WD 320GB/16MB | Samsung 500GB/16MB | Samsung SH-S223F | SAMSUNG 226BW | SB X-Fi Fatal1ty Champion+Thomson DPL2000+HomeMade bedny+subwoofer 12" 30-125Hz (-3dB) | Leadtek PX8800GT default+AC Accelero+ AC fan 12-1000ot/m | Microsoft Intelli Mouse Explorer 3.0 | Chieftec MATRIX SILVER+ FORTRON Blue Storm 400W |
    3DMk01 3DMk03 3DMk05

  18. #18

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    doplnění k riva tuneru - doplnění podpory pro 7600GS/GT AGP

    je nutno otevřít RivaTuner.cfg a doplnit údaje
    NV4B = 390h-39Fh
    položku výše změnit na
    NV4B = 390h-39Fh,2E0h-2E2h

    budou takto podporované všechny známé 76xx pro AGP
    pencil mod 7600GS AGP

  19. #19
    Member Avatar uživatele tnema

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

  20. #20

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    RivaTuner 2.0 RC 16.2
    (hodně věcí přidáno pro G80 karty)
    ASUS Rampage II GENE + Intel i7-920 @ 3.8 GHz + Noctua NH-U12P SE1366
    6GB RAM OCZ Intel Extreme XMP 1600MHz / Gainward Geforce GTX470 SLI
    1x30GB SSD OCZ Vertex Turbo (system) / 2x30GB SSD OCZ Vertex RAID 0 (games)
    23.6" Acer GD245HQBID + 3D Vision / PSU Nexus RX-8500 850W / Asus OC STATION

  21. #21
    Member mince
    Frýdlant n.O.
    Intel Core i5 2500K, Asus P8Z68V Pro Gen 3, 2x4GB/1600MHz Corsair, Gigabyte Radeon HD 7950 ,Intel SSD 520 180GB , WD Caviar Black WD1002FAEX 1TB, LG GH22LS70, Asus Xonar DX, FS P19-2.

  22. #22

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Jsem si toho všiml až teď, další verze pár měsíců nebude

    Aneb unwinder toho má a nejenom rivatuneru nejspíš plné koule

  23. #23
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Over
    2 396

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

  24. #24
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele MV
    1 557

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    PC1: Core i5 750 2.66 GHz @ 3.4 - 4 GHz | Asus P7P55D PRO | Zalman Reserator1 @V2 Water | 8GB DDR3-1333 Kingston | Gigabyte GF GTX660oc 2GB | Seagate MomentusXT 750GB + Samsung F3 1TB | Pioneer DVR-111 | Audigy2zs + DTT2200 | TerraTec Dual DVB-T PCI-e | LIAN-LI case | Delta 700W PSU | HP LP2475w | Ultraportable: Toshiba Portégé R100 Centrino | Pentium-M ULV 1.0 | 768MB DDR | 1.8" MicroIDE -> ZIF IDE -> mSATA SSD Samsung PM830 32GB | Trident Cyber XP4 32MB | 12.1" XGA | 1.09kg/1.4kg (2hod/6.5hod) | Lenovo R61, C2D T8100, 2.5GB DDR2, 160GB, 15.4" WSXGA+ | Dell XPS M1330, T9300, 4GB DDR2, MomentusXT 500GB, GF 8400MGS /w Coppermod, 13.3 WXGA | Dell Latitude E6220, Core i5-2520M, 8GB DDR3, Samsung PM830 128GB SATA3.0 SSD, backlit kbd, 12.5" WXGA | Misc: Routerboard RB133, 2x WLAN | D-Link ShareCenter DNS-320 + 2x 2TB WD Green WD20EZRX @ RAID1

  25. #25
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010

    Standardní Re: RivaTuner FAQ

    Rivatuner 2.03 released


    What's new:

    * Updated databases for Detonator and ForceWare drivers. Added databases for ForceWare 162.18, 162.22, 162.50, 163.16 and 163.44.
    * Added Catalyst 7.7 and 7.8 drivers detection.
    * Updated Catalyst 7.7 and 7.8 certified SoftR9x00 parch script (for Windows 2000/XP drivers only).
    * Updated RivaTunerStatisticsServer v2.4.0 bundled utility:
    o Added OSD rendering support for Direct3D10 applications.
    o Added OSD rendering support for Direct3D9 applications redefining render target in the end of frame rendering process (e.g. Overlord). Now the server is able to detect such conditions, bind render target to back buffer, render OSD then restore the previously set render target. This feature is implemented as compatibility flag and enabled by default for all applications, however power users may disable it via editing profile flags in the server's configuration file.
    o Improved 3D API usage detection for applications using multiple OpenGL / Direct3D renderers (e.g. Colin McRae : DIRT). Now the server stores information about the last used renderer instead of the first one.
    o Updated list of pseudo 3D applications.
    * Updated D3DOverrider v1.4 bundled utility:
    o Internal hook infrastructure has been seriously changed to provide support for Vista and future operating systems.
    o Added experimental triple buffering forcing support for Direct3D10 applications.
    o Added RivaTuner's event history panel support. Now besides sound indication of triple buffering forcing success/failure events D3DOverrider is also able to display triple buffering forcing related event markers in RivaTuner's event history panel. This feature is implemented as compatibility flag and enabled by default for all applications, however power users may disable it via editing profile flags in the configuration file.
    * Improved hardware monitoring module:
    o Added generic support for Logitech G15 keyboard LCD display. Now RivaTuner automatically maps all hardware monitoring statistics displayed in the server's On-Screen Display to the keyboard's LCD display, however power users may disable this behavior with MapOSDToLCD registry entry. Also RivaTuner provides command line switches for connecting to (LCDC/LCDCONNECT) or disconnecting from (LCDD/LCDDISCONNECT) G15 LCD, allowing you to bind these actions with hotkeys and easily reconnect to LCD (e.g. after resuming PC from suspended mode). Please take a note that these command line switches are added to the list of predefined applications available in regular launch item editor.
    o Improved hardware monitoring plugins:
    + Improved LCDHype plugin. Now the plugin contains LCDHype output scripts calibrated for both AlphaCool 240x128 and Logitech G15 160x43 LCD displays.
    + Improved VidMem.dll plugin. Now the plugin totally hides videomemory usage graphs under Vista to avoid confusing the beginners ignoring plugin description, telling that videomemory usage monitoring is not available under this OS due to videomemory virtualization.
    * Added protective technologies aimed to jam unsafe memory scanner of PunkBuster anticheat system and this way prevent this anticheat system from crashing graphics hardware when RivaTuner resides in memory. Unfortunately new 1.7xx versions of PunkBuster client (debuted on 04.17.2007 with Battlefield 2142 client) caused major system stability issues in conjunction with wide range of applications accessing hardware via user mode MMIO address ranges. Apart from scanning executable code new PunkBuster services also fully scan data memory ranges of each process, which is critically dangerous when it comes to applications accessing hardware registers via memory mapped I/O port user address ranges. Unauthorized access to hardware mapped memory ranges performed by anticheat system's memory scanner may cause unpredictable results including hardware failures and freezing. The problem is not specific to RivaTuner and also covers wide range of ATI and NVIDIA oriented diagnostic, overclocking and monitoring tools (e.g. ATITool, PowerStrip, HIS iTurbo etc) developed by third parties as well as by certified AIB/AIC partners. The situation had been investigated with help of Battlefield 2142 gamers community and is fully documented in RivaTuner's support forums, however, many inexperienced gamers never visit forums or read documentation and still wrongly interpret these crashes as instability of third party tools including RivaTuner, hurting software reputation in different forums this way. Unfortunately, the problem is still neither fixed nor documented by Evenbalance, furthermore, the situation got critically worse in the end on June 2007 when Evenbalance launched the same unsafe PunkBuster clients v1.7xx for America's Army, Call of duty, Call of duty 2, Enemy territory: Quake Wars, F.E.A.R etc. Due to this sad reason I cannot longer wait for response and fix from Evenbalance and risk RivaTuner software reputation because of anticheat system issues. The following features are introduced and aimed to prevent RivaTuner from being improperly accessed by PunkBuster or any similar memory scanner:
    o Process protection. Now RivaTuner reduces its own access privileges after startup to prevent simple user mode memory scanners from accessing RivaTuner's process virtual memory. This protective technique is enabled by default, but it can be disabled by setting ProtectProcess registry entry to 0.
    o MMIO protection. Now RivaTuner hides MMIO range into kernel mode address space instead of user mode address space to prevent any other user mode application form accessing hardware improperly. This protective technique requires each graphics hardware access operation to be transferred via RivaTuner's kernel-mode driver, so it increases CPU performance hit caused by RivaTuner's background processes (e.g. hardware monitoring) with approximate factor of 3x - 5x. This protective technique is also enabled by default, but it can be disabled by setting ProtectMMIO registry entry to 0.
    o Paged MMIO access mode. Now RivaTuner is able to use paged access to MMIO range, mapping only desired MMIO pages for access instead of mapping whole registers aperture. This mode is only available when MMIO protection mode is disabled. Paged acces mode can be activated by specifying power-of-two page size with MMIOPageSize registry entry.

    Note: most of these protective techniques will be enabled by default until the problem is fixed in PunkBuster. I realize that the protective techniques will cause side effects such as increased CPU load even to those who never play PunkBuster protected multiplayer games, but unfortunately I see no other ways of protecting software reputation against inexperienced gamers spreading rumors about RivaTuner instability. It you don't play multiplayer PunkBuster protected games or if you're not affected by crashing caused by it then it is strongly recommended to disable all the protections mentioned above.
    * Minor UI changes and improvements.
    A co je jeste lepsi:
    Citace Původně odeslal Unwinder
    Important info for Vista x64 users:


    Say really BIG thanks to owr old good friends from They were extremely kind to sign RivaTuner drivers with their signature allowing RivaTuner to run under Vista x64 OS with no limitations. Signed drivers are provided as separately downloadable RivaTuner203Drv.rtu update file:

    There are two ways to install this update under Vista x64:

    1) You may copy this file to the same folder where RivaTuner203 installer resides then simply reinstall RT. RivaTuner's update installation system will automatically detect update file in this folder and offer you to install it. This is recomended way for beginners.
    2) If you're power user and if you don't want to reinstall RivaTuner then you may update the driver on the fly. To do it either boot Vista with F8 to temperarily disable driver signing, start RivaTuner once to register it as update file handler then simply open the file with Windows explorer. Alternately, you may avoid booting Vista with F8 and try to open update file with Windows explorer then tell Windows that it must be processed with installed RivaTuner 2.03 executable file. After doing that the update will be installed by RivaTuner too.
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

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