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Takze zhrnute a podciarknute hacknuty DVD-RAM driver od Panasonicu funguje aj pre novu NEC 4550A.

Celkovo teda mozem potvrdit ze verzia 5021 driveru
podporuje pre Win2000 tieto mechaniky:
LG GSA-4120B, GSA-4160B, GSA-4163B
NEC 4550A

Predpokladom je samozrejme VYPNUTIE detekcie Panasonic mechaniky instalatorom podla navodu nizsie!
GSA-4165B a GSA-4167B vyskusam cez tyzden ked budem vo worku

Co sa tyka funkcionality v XPckach tak tu sa v dohladnej dobe bude snazit testnut, ale zrovna vysoku prioritu to pre mna nema.
This is some information about hacking Panasonic DVDRAM driver for LG DVDRAM.
I found it works for GSA4160B also!

Hacked Panasonic DVD-RAM Device Driver

This is my first post here, but I hope it will be usefull for most of you. I hacked the latest version of Panasonic DVD-RAM device driver to work with non-Panasonic DVD-RAM drives and tested with my LG 4120B drive. I will write below short tutorial how to make the hack. 

First, you need to download XPUp5001NEN.exe - original Panasonic DVD-RAM device driver for WinXP from here&#58; http&#58;//panasonic.co.jp/mke/support/dvdram/lim/eoem/index.html 
You also need I6Comp v0.20 - Install Shield v6.x CAB util, which you can find here&#58; 

When you run XPUp5001NEN.exe, it extracts the installation files to &#58;-
C&#58;\Documents and Settings\Xkodi\Local Settings\Temp\ByeB.tmp\Disk1
&#40;where "Xkodi"="your_username" and "ByeB.tmp", may be "ByeE.tmp", "Bye7.tmp", etc, you get the idea, the character after "Bye" is hex digit&#41; and runs the installation program from there. 
Then message box appears, that says "Error&#58; Cannot get drive.", because we haven't Panasonic drives. 
Before you click "OK" and exit the installation you need to copy "Disk1" dir to C&#58;\ . In "Disk1" there is a file Data1.cab and also Setup.exe file. The next few steps&#58; 
1&#41; Extract and copy i6comp.exe from i6comp02.zip to "Disk1" 
2&#41; Run "Command Prompt" &#40;Start -> Run -> Open -> "Cmd" -> OK&#41; 
3&#41; Type "CD C&#58;\Disk1>" 
4&#41; Type "i6comp x Data1.cab" 
Now you can find file "DVDDrive.ini" in "Disk1" dir. 
5&#41; Open DVDDrive.ini in Notepad and change line "DriveNameCheckMode=1" to "DriveNameCheckMode=0", save and exit Notepad 
6&#41; Type "i6comp r data1.cab DVDDrive.ini" to replace DVDDrive.ini in Data1.cab with our hacked version 
7&#41; Run "Setup.exe" and install the driver. 

If you think that it is too complicated, maybe I can upload the hacked version somewhere or maybe some of you will do it. 

I made this because now I can work with my DVD-RAM discs like with slow hard disk. Panasonic DVD-RAM device driver allows you to format DVD-RAM disc with UDF 1.50, 2.00 or FAT32 filesystem. WinXP has native support to format DVD-RAM disc with FAT32 only, but with my LG drive with firmware A104, Windows fails with error, when I try to format MMore 4.7Gb 2.0X DVD-RAM disc. With Panasonic driver everything works like a charm and we can use not only FAT32, but UDF also and write files to DVD-RAM disc through Windows Explorer. I hope you enjoy that ...

I have tried the DVD RAM driver from Panasonic, and have given it up in favour of Nero's InCD which seems to be much more flexible.