Driver Heaven's Veridan3 & Zardon collaborated to expose nVidia's cheating in the newest 51.75 detonators under Aquamark3.

Apparently there is a signifigant loss off image quality with these new dets...go figure.
Zardon at DriverHeaven:
Now, im sure most of you have read Gabes recent comments regarding the detonator 51.75s, and Nvidia's offical response but I really do have to say, having seen this first hand it confirms to both myself and Veridian that the new detonators are far from a high quality IQ set. Alot of negative publicity is currently surrounding Nvidia, and here at driverheaven we like to remain as impartial and open minded as we possibly can, but after reading all the articles recently such as here coming from good sources and experiencing this ourselves first hand, I can no longer recommend an nvidia card to anyone. Ill be speaking with nvidia about this over the coming days and if I can make anything public I will.

3DGpu's Matt Burris also comes to this conclusion on the new detonators having image degrading cheats for Aquamark3