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Téma: ATi Catalyst 3.7 (4.9.2003)

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  1. #1

    Standardní ATi Catalyst 3.7 (4.9.2003)

    These release notes provide information on the latest posting of ATI's industry leading software suite, CATALYST™. This particular posting updates the ATI Display Driver to version 7.93. This unified driver has been further enhanced to provide the highest level of power, performance, and reliability. The ATI CATALYST™ software suite is the ultimate in performance and stability.

    The CATALYST™ 3.7 Release Notes provides information on the following:

    Web Content
    Desktop product family support
    Operating systems supported
    New Features
    Performance Improvements
    Issues Resolved in CATALSYT™ Version 3.7
    Known Issues
    Web Content
    The CATALYST™ software suite 3.7 contains the following:

    RADEON™ display driver 7.93
    Multimedia Center™ 8.6
    HydraVision™ 3.21
    Remote Wonder™ 2.0
    WDM version 6217v1
    Note: These release notes provide information on the 7.93 display driver only. For information on the ATI Multimedia Center™ 8.6, HydraVision™ 3.21, or the Remote Wonder™ 2.0, please refer to their respective release notes found at:


    Desktop product family support
    The CATALYST™ software suite is designed to support the following ATI desktop product family:

    RADEON™ 9800 series
    RADEON™ 9700 series
    RADEON™ 9600 series
    RADEON™ 9500 series
    RADEON™ 9200 series
    RADEON™ 9100 series
    RADEON™ 9000 series
    RADEON™ 8500 series
    RADEON™ 7500 series
    RADEON™ 7200 series
    RADEON™ 7000 series
    Note: ATI All-In-Wonder™ variants based on the above are also supported.


    Operating systems supported
    The latest version of the CATALYST™ software suite is designed to support the following Microsoft Windows platforms:

    Windows XP
    Windows 2000
    Windows Millennium Edition (ME)
    Windows 98/98SE through the ME driver
    New Features
    The CATALYST™ driver now provides a Triple Buffering Option. Enabling Triple Buffering has the potential to increase performance under certain conditions. Please refer to the help file of the feature for additional information. This new feature is located in the OpenGL Compatibility Settings tab.

    Performance Improvements
    As with most CATALYST™ releases, the performance has increased in numerous situations. Here are some examples observed in CATALYST™ version 3.7. These include:

    Pixel Shader processing has been enhanced across all of our DX9 products. As a result, certain PS 2.0 ShaderMark tests are now running as much as 12% faster.
    Unreal Tournament 2003 performance is up considerably for DX9 products running with Anti-Aliasing enabled. This is due to improvements in the driver code for rendering character shadows. For example, the Anubis botmatch test gains as much as 23%
    Note: The UT2003 FlyBy tests do not contain any characters, and therefore will not show this effect. Real game play, however, will certainly benefit.


    The result of this optimization is also apparent in Dungeon Siege, where gains ranging from 3-10% are observed on our DX9 product line-up, when Anti-Aliasing is enabled. Other game titles may also be improved
    RADEON 7000 gains as much as 25% in Direct3D titles when running at very high resolution (1600x1200). Aquamark, Comanche 4, Dungeon Siege, Expendable, Giants and Re-Volt all gain approximately 20% at this setting. OpenGL titles are not affected
    Modest gains of approximately 5% are noticed for our DX8 class of products (RADEON™ 9200, 9000, and 8500) in OpenGL games such as Quake III Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Serious Sam
    Issues Resolved in CATALYST™ Version 3.7
    The following section provides a summary of the issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™ 3.7. These include:

    Resolved Game Issues
    Resolved Software Application issues
    Resolved CATALYST™ Driver Issues
    Resolved Game Issues
    This section provides information on game issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™.

    Running MS Links 2003 with Anisotropic filtering and Anti-Aliasing enabled results in vertical and horizontal lines being displayed within the game. This issue is known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 9700 series card installed
    Switching the display resolution mode when playing Jedi Knight II or Quake 3 no longer results in display corruption being displayed on the top of the menu screen
    Unreal Tournament 2003 highlight corruption is no longer seen when the pull down menu bar is used to choose a selection
    The Windows XP system not responding when attempting to launch IL2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles if the display resolution is set to 1024x768 32bpp is now resolved. This issue was known to occur on the RADEON™ 9700, 9600, and 9500 series of cards
    The Windows XP operating system no longer stop responding when switching the display resolution from 1280x1024 to 1600x1200 when playing Jedi Knight II
    Configuring the game NASCAR Racing to 1600x1200 32 bpp under Windows ME with a RADEON™ 9600 series card installed no longer results in the system not responding
    Selecting the pin camera in the game MS Links 2003 no longer results in the ground not being drawn correctly in the sub window. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with the RADEON™ 9000 series card installed
    Playing a multiplayer game in the lost city map in the game Will Rock no longer results in the sky flashing black images. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with the RADEON™ 9000 series card installed
    Slow playback of the game Remington Big Buck Trophy Hunt is now resolved. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 9700, 9600 TX or 9500 series card installed
    Configuring the game NeverWinter Nights with Nice 4 Sample Anti-Aliasing enabled and attempting to launch the game no longer results in the system failing to respond. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 9800 SE or 9500 series card installed
    Enabling Anti-Aliasing and attempting to take a screen shot results in a corrupt capture when running OpenGL games such as, CounterStrike, Half-Life, Quake III or Medal of Honour: Allied Assault
    The Tron 2 demo no longer runs slowly on the RADEON™ 7200 and 9000 series
    Anti-Aliasing support is now available for the game Giants Citizen Kabuto
    Resolved Software Application issues
    This section provides information on application issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™.

    The shadow image is no longer missing in the demo named Miracle
    Setting the display resolution to 1024x768 32bpp and running D3D DolphinVS DX8.1 no longer results in display corruption under the Japanese version of Windows XP
    Starting the TV in a windowed mode on a RADEON™ 7200 All-In-Wonder series no longer results in the display going blank and the Windows XP operating system failing to respond
    Resolved CATALYST™ Driver Issues
    This section provides information on CATALSYT™ driver issues that have been resolved in the latest release of CATALYST™.

    Running Hydravision with the Transparency feature enabled and setting the display resolution to 1024x768 16bpp no longer results in display corruption being left behind when dragging an MS Paint window over a DVD image
    Tiling corruption noticed under the Windows 9X operating system when the display is set to an interlaced mode is now resolved
    Changing the compatibility settings in the ATI OpenGL tab now results in the users' setting being retained when the system reboots
    Setting the secondary desktop to panning mode and the primary desktop to normal mode, followed by enabling Overlay Theater Mode no longer results in display corruption being displayed on the secondary display
    Installing a RADEON™ 8500 series card that has two CRT connectors under Windows XP, no longer results in the display not being available on the second CRT
    Connecting two display devices to a RADEON™ 9700 series card no longer results in display corruption being seen in Overlay Theater Mode when playing an HDTV source
    Running the 3D Pipes screen saver for an extended period of time (24 hours or longer) produces an error message indicating that the virtual memory is not enough
    Resuming from suspend mode under Windows ME no longer results in the system not responding
    Setting the display to 2048x1536 followed by installing the latest version of Hydravision no longer results in display corruption when relaunching the Windows Explorer
    Setting the desktop display to 1024x768 32bpp and enabling OTM no longer results in display corruption when toggling between expansion and non-expansion mode while playing an MPG1 file
    Help is now available when entering the Adjustments page found under the Displays tab for HDTV
    Enabling clone mode followed by setting the display resolution to 1200x800 no longer results in the CRT being in pan mode
    The ATI Options page no longer displays incorrect information about the graphic card's memory size under the traditional Chinese version of Windows XP
    The Video BIOS number now reflects the current version number in the control panel
    Text no longer appears blurred when font smoothing is enabled and set to Standard. This issue was known to occur under Windows XP with a RADEON™ 8500 or 9100 series card installed
    The driver component that interfaces to the DDC/CI is now working properly
    When the AGP Fastwrite is disabled it no longer appears to be enabled in both the Private and Public SmartGart control panels
    The option buttons for Digital Video Interface are now function correctly when the system is set to extended desktop mode
    Disabling Extended Desktop with two Adapters and four Displays no longer results in corruption on one display
    Known Issues
    The following section provides a brief description of known issues associated with the latest version of CATALYST™.

    When updating to future CATALYST™ releases your current color control panel profiles will be lost. This will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release
    Running the 3D Pipes screen saver for an extended period of time (24 hours or longer), produces an error message indicating that the virtual memory is not enough
    Setting the Landscape details to Perfect in the game IL2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles results in the system not responding during track playback
    Playing the game Tiger Woods with the game options set to 1280x1024 32bpp and graphic parameters set to high results in the game failing to respond after the scorecard is displayed. This issue will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release
    Setting the game Flight Simulator 2004 to display at 1024x768 or 1280x1024 followed by starting a new flight results in the menu being flipped just before the new flight is about to begin. This issue will be fixed in an upcoming CATALYST™ release
    The CodeCreatures benchmark score drops by approximately 10-12% on DX8-class hardware (RADEON™ 9200, 9000, and 8500). This is due to a minor performance bug introduced in CATALYST™ 3.7. The issue is already resolved and a fix will be released in CATALYST™ 3.8. No other titles are known to be affected
    CATALYST™ CREW Feedback Program
    This driver release incorporates suggestions received through the CATALYST™ CREW feedback program. Please refer to and provide us further feedback.
    ASUS Rampage II GENE + Intel i7-920 @ 3.8 GHz + Noctua NH-U12P SE1366
    6GB RAM OCZ Intel Extreme XMP 1600MHz / Gainward Geforce GTX470 SLI
    1x30GB SSD OCZ Vertex Turbo (system) / 2x30GB SSD OCZ Vertex RAID 0 (games)
    23.6" Acer GD245HQBID + 3D Vision / PSU Nexus RX-8500 850W / Asus OC STATION

  2. #2
    ASUS Rampage II GENE + Intel i7-920 @ 3.8 GHz + Noctua NH-U12P SE1366
    6GB RAM OCZ Intel Extreme XMP 1600MHz / Gainward Geforce GTX470 SLI
    1x30GB SSD OCZ Vertex Turbo (system) / 2x30GB SSD OCZ Vertex RAID 0 (games)
    23.6" Acer GD245HQBID + 3D Vision / PSU Nexus RX-8500 850W / Asus OC STATION

  3. #3
    Senior Member minceVIP Avatar uživatele sisi
    Auckland, NZ
    2 176


    Bacha na jeden podraz - na stranke ATi je v pripade "Low Speed (Dial-up)" balika rozdeleneho do 3 casti ZLA verzia drivera vzhladom na control panel (ponukany driver je multilanguage, kdezto control panel je english/german/french - co sposobuje version mismatches). Toto sa netyka "High Speed (Cable / DSL)" balika, obsahujuceho driver + control panel v jednom baleni...

    Pokial si to ATi neda do poriadku, link na spravny driver (english/german/french) "kompatibilny" s control panelom (ponukanym na osobitny download) je tu:
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3.2GHz (8 * 400MHz) @ 1.3V with Zalman CNPS9500 AT @ 1800RPM, ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi, 2x1GB Corsair Twin2X PC2-6400 DDRAM @ 400MHz (4-4-4-12) @ 2.1V, Leadtek 8800GT 512MB, WD Caviar SE16 250GB, Asus DRW-1608P3S, Creative SB Audigy Value, Logitech X-230 speakers, Enermax Liberty 400W, 2x120mm Thermaltake case fan @ 1800RPM, Thermaltake Aguila black case, HP LP2065 LCD, Logitech MX400

  4. #4


    Vcera som to odtial stahoval (pre Windows ME) a mam verzie EFG.
    1: Asus P2B 1.10 • Celeron 1100@1364/1.8V • 512MB SDRAM • Samsung SP1213N+WD AC28400 • Toshiba XM-6402B+SD-M1212 • PowerColor AR2L Radeon 9100 64MB • 3C900-Combo • Bt848A • ASB-3940UA • AWE-64 • DTK PTP-3007 • VisionMaster 405 • Umax UC630 • Star LC24-200 Colour 2: PCPartner TXB820DS • Cyrix MII PR300/1.8V • 256MB SDRAM • 2xSamsung HD400LD+IT8212F • Accesstek CW4001 • LS-120 • Mystique 4MB • Millennium II 4MB • 3C509 • CMI8329A+Dream MIDI • ADI ProVista E44 • SyncMaster 203B Notebook: DTK FortisPro TOP-5A • P166MMX/1.8V • 80MB EDO • Hitachi 5K80 40GB • 12,1" TFT Router: A-Trend ATC-1425B • i486DX 50@33/5V • 48MB FPM • WD AC14300 • UMC UM9003F • HP PC LAN 16/TP+ Car: Mazda 323P BA • Z5 1489ccm, 65kW@5500rpm, 134Nm@4000rpm

  5. #5
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele honzAK
    2 088


    Jinak tady je knihovna na mod r9500 to 9700. Pac jeste nejsou hacknuty

  6. #6
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele daggy
    Belá nad Cirochou/SR
    1 271


    Citace Původně odeslal sisi
    Bacha na jeden podraz - na stranke ATi je v pripade "Low Speed (Dial-up)" balika rozdeleneho do 3 casti ZLA verzia drivera vzhladom na control panel (ponukany driver je multilanguage, kdezto control panel je english/german/french - co sposobuje version mismatches). Toto sa netyka "High Speed (Cable / DSL)" balika, obsahujuceho driver + control panel v jednom baleni...

    Pokial si to ATi neda do poriadku, link na spravny driver (english/german/french) "kompatibilny" s control panelom (ponukanym na osobitny download) je tu:
    SHIT!!! A môžem sťahovať odznova!!!
    Intel C2D E7500 2,93 GHz, Gigabyte EP-45-UD3, A-Data Vitesta 2x2GB 1066 MHz, Hitachi Deskstar 250 GB + Samsung HD321KJ 320 GB SATA II + WD 2500KS 250 GB SATA II + WD 7500AACS 750 GB SATA II, Sapphire ATI Radeon X1950XT+AC Accelero S1+AC AF 12025PWM, Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 4, LCD LG L194WT-SF 19" Widescreen + telka Hyunday, Technisat Sky Star HD2 + 85cm parabola + motor Optibox DM2800, DVD-RW SONY DRU190A, DSL2+ Router Zyxel Prestige P-660HW-T3, Razer Diamondback Chameleon, Fortron 500W PFC, Scythe Ninja rev.B + Evercool SCB-CD, Case CoolerMaster Mystique 631s

  7. #7


    Kua, mam/nemam. Neni lepsi si pockat na Omegy? V cem se lisi od normalnich catalystu? Jsou rychlejsi, stabilnejsi?
    A64 E6 3000+@2.7GHz/1.7V Tcase53// 2*512MBGskill 600Mhz@2.5-3-3-7// DFI LP nF4 Ultra-D // cooled by Scythe Ninja //C3D6600nGT256MB // BIV 60GB PATA,B7200.7 200GB SATA // Fortron350W // Aerocool Dream Bay.

  8. #8
    Senior Member mince
    1 278


    Já osobně si počkám na DNA... snad budou brzo... S Catalystama jsem měl jen problémy
    AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D | MSI MAG CORELIQUID E360 | MSI B650 GAMING PLUS WIFI | Kingston FURY 32GB DDR5-6000 | MSI GeForce RTX 4070 SUPER 12G VENTUS 2X OC | NVMe Samsung SSD 970 EVO 500GB | WD Blue 3D NAND SSD 1TB | MSI Vigor GK50LP + Logitech MX Master 3 + Xbox ONE Controler | Fortron CUT593P & Corsair RM650x | 27" HP 27xq | Windows 11 Pro 64bit | Synology NAS DS214 2TB | connected by Vodafone 500M/30M

  9. #9
    Senior Member minceVIP Avatar uživatele sisi
    Auckland, NZ
    2 176


    Citace Původně odeslal Rainbow
    Vcera som to odtial stahoval (pre Windows ME) a mam verzie EFG.
    Hej, tento "problem" sa tyka len platforiem WinXP/2000... Btw. este to neopravili .
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3.2GHz (8 * 400MHz) @ 1.3V with Zalman CNPS9500 AT @ 1800RPM, ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi, 2x1GB Corsair Twin2X PC2-6400 DDRAM @ 400MHz (4-4-4-12) @ 2.1V, Leadtek 8800GT 512MB, WD Caviar SE16 250GB, Asus DRW-1608P3S, Creative SB Audigy Value, Logitech X-230 speakers, Enermax Liberty 400W, 2x120mm Thermaltake case fan @ 1800RPM, Thermaltake Aguila black case, HP LP2065 LCD, Logitech MX400

  10. #10
    Senior Member minceVIP Avatar uživatele sisi
    Auckland, NZ
    2 176


    Uz to dali na do poriadku...
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 @ 3.2GHz (8 * 400MHz) @ 1.3V with Zalman CNPS9500 AT @ 1800RPM, ASUS P5B Deluxe/WiFi, 2x1GB Corsair Twin2X PC2-6400 DDRAM @ 400MHz (4-4-4-12) @ 2.1V, Leadtek 8800GT 512MB, WD Caviar SE16 250GB, Asus DRW-1608P3S, Creative SB Audigy Value, Logitech X-230 speakers, Enermax Liberty 400W, 2x120mm Thermaltake case fan @ 1800RPM, Thermaltake Aguila black case, HP LP2065 LCD, Logitech MX400

  11. #11


    tohle je zajímavé

    Here's a quick note from Terry Makedon A.K.A. CATALYST maker.

    I would also like to point out at this time that CATALYST public driver posting frequence has been improved to a minimum of twelve (12!) times a year. Each one of these driver postings will support all supported operating systems and be fully unified for all RADEON class products. Needless to say every CATALYST driver posting will also be certified by Microsoft (WHQL).

    Just as a side note, the upcoming CATALYST 3.8 will be the most innovative and significant CATALYST release ever, so keep your eyes out for that one!"
    ASUS Rampage II GENE + Intel i7-920 @ 3.8 GHz + Noctua NH-U12P SE1366
    6GB RAM OCZ Intel Extreme XMP 1600MHz / Gainward Geforce GTX470 SLI
    1x30GB SSD OCZ Vertex Turbo (system) / 2x30GB SSD OCZ Vertex RAID 0 (games)
    23.6" Acer GD245HQBID + 3D Vision / PSU Nexus RX-8500 850W / Asus OC STATION

  12. #12
    Senior Member
    St. George (SVK)
    1 023


    No fajn, a teraz čo ako? Ledva som stiahol 3,7 a už mám slintať za 3,8mičkami? Tí catalysťáci nás naťahujú ako malé gate!!!
    TB 1700+@2060MHz 1,54v (letný režim)JIUHB DLT3C 0308SPMW(10x206)Titan TTC-CU5TB,8RDA vddmoded 1,78v,2x256 TwinMOS PC3200 CL2.5,sync,dual, @412MHz CL2 11-3-2, PowerColor X800Pro VIVO@X800XT PE, 2xHDD Barracuda160GB RAID0, Maxtor20GB 7200rpm, DVD Toshiba SD-M1712, CDRW BTC,Audigy2@A4Pro,Lan 10/100-nejaký shit,Genius 5,1HT,Leadtec WinfastTV2000XP,Enermax350w,iiyamaVMP454, NB AcerTM4400 upgaded 1.26GB RAM, A2ZS Notebook, my BF1942/BF2 name: |bmk|Andrey

  13. #13

    Standardní Re: ATi Catalyst 3.7 (4.9.2003)

    No tak jsem si stáhnul ty nový Catalysty, ale mám pocit že se mi zhoršila kvalita obrazu. Přesně rozostřila. Nevím jestli je to jen můj pocit. Jinak mírný nárust jsem poznamenal v 3D Marku 01SE,03, ale ne tak velký jako když jsem přešel z DirectX 8.1b na DirectX 9.0b. Ten obraz mě sere.
    Jinak stahoval jsem to z je tam Control panel ,který je v češtině.

  14. #14


    Citace Původně odeslal bananalama
    No fajn, a teraz čo ako? Ledva som stiahol 3,7 a už mám slintať za 3,8mičkami? Tí catalysťáci nás naťahujú ako malé gate!!! ved uvidime za mesiac a ci nezabudnu aj na starsie modely
    VOCAL POST MESSAGE: System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...

  15. #15


    Citace Původně odeslal .:::iGor:::.
    Citace Původně odeslal bananalama
    No fajn, a teraz čo ako? Ledva som stiahol 3,7 a už mám slintať za 3,8mičkami? Tí catalysťáci nás naťahujú ako malé gate!!! ved uvidime za mesiac a ci nezabudnu aj na starsie modely
    doufam ze ne,ale aspon neco: Modest gains of approximately 5% are noticed for our DX8 class of products (RADEON™ 9200, 9000, and 8500) in OpenGL games such as Quake III Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Serious Sam
    Gigabyte GA-965P-S3, 3GB DDR2 transcend 667@925Mhz, E2160@3330MHz, Powercolor HD4830@700/1850, LG L226WTQ-PF , Seasonic SS-500ET-T3 500W 80PLUS, ~2TB HDD, DVB SkyStar2 ,Leadtek TV 2000XP, Logitech Z-640, Logitech MX510, Logitech DFP, Dolby's keyboard, NEC 3550A, Pixma iP4500, W7 x64, 3dmark
    30/1,5Mbit UPC - Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 OpenWRT, Dlink G664T OpenWRT, La Fonera OpenWRT, Linksys PAP2T VoIP
    Samsung I5700 Galaxy Spica - Android 2.2

  16. #16

    Standardní Re: ATi Catalyst 3.7 (4.9.2003)

    Citace Původně odeslal Dusan
    No tak jsem si stáhnul ty nový Catalysty, ale mám pocit že se mi zhoršila kvalita obrazu. Přesně rozostřila. Nevím jestli je to jen můj pocit. Jinak mírný nárust jsem poznamenal v 3D Marku 01SE,03, ale ne tak velký jako když jsem přešel z DirectX 8.1b na DirectX 9.0b. Ten obraz mě sere.
    Jinak stahoval jsem to z je tam Control panel ,který je v češtině.
    Mam tiez pocit, ze to mam malo rozostrene, ale to uz mam pocit od Cat 3.4.......
    MT Board : MSI 845PE MAX, Procesor : P4 2,53 Ghz 533FSB, Memory : 1024 DDR 333 Mhz, Video card : Gigabyte MAYA II Radeon 9700 pro, Audio card : Audigy 2, Hard Drives : 2x IBM 40 Gb, 7200 ot. Raid Striped, CD-ROM : MSI rewriter 52x24x52, DVD-ROM : Teac, Repro : Inspire 5100Monitor : LCD Prestigio P174 17\"

    3D Mark 2001 SE : 14705 !NO OC!
    3D Mark 2003 : 5042 !NO OC!

  17. #17

    Standardní Re: ATi Catalyst 3.7 (4.9.2003)

    Já myslím že právě 3.6 měla dobrej obraz. Když jsem je přeinstaloval těmi 3.7 tak ten obraz se viditelně zhoršil. Nevím jestli jsi toho někdo všiml taky, ale já to zpozoroval na vlastní oči.

  18. #18


    Me se zda ze je vsechno porad stejny
    DFI LanParty UT NF3 Ultra-D||AMD Opteron 144||(2x512MB) OCZ DIMM DDR 400MHz Premier Dual Channel||Hitachi Deskstar 80GB 7200RPM-SATA||DVD±RW Sony DRU-700A||DVD-R Pioneer-120S Slot-IN||Sound Blaster Audigy ES||Creative Inspire 5300 5.1||
    LCD 17\" EIZO FlexScan L578||ATI Sapphire Radeon 9800Pro 128MB||Arctic Cooling Silencer 64 TC||Zdroj Fortron FSP350-60PN-350W.

  19. #19


    me tuhne 3dmark...s 3.4 co sem mel predtim to jelo np....nedelaji vam to taky??
    CPU: Intel P4 800 2.4 @ 3.24 (270fsb,1.55V) || MB: Asus P4P800 deluxe; BIOS 16 || CD: Plextor Premium fw 1.05 || DVD: LG 4081B
    COOL: Zalman 7000a CU + 2x 80mmfan || MEM: 2x1024 MB Corsair 3500LLPRO CL2 || VGA: PowerColor X850XT PE 256MB
    Power supply: Seasonic S12 600W || CASE: CoolerMaster ATC 710-GX1 || 3DMark 2003 - 11.864 3DMark 2005 - 5.770

  20. #20
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele Anduril
    OVA, OL
    3 474


    Vše OK, obraz se mi zdá stále stejný (ostrý a kvalitní)..rozdíly výkonu mě nezajímají.
    ntb: HP EliteBook 8460p i7-2640M | 8GB RAM | 120GB SSD + 500GB HDD | ATi HD6470 | 14" HD+ | W7 PRO
    home: HP Docking Station | HP L2045W | WD 500GB Scorpio Blue USB box
    work: HP Docking Station | HP L2445W
    audio: Epiphone G-400 SG + Sounder Telecaster | E-MU 0202 | Cambridge Audio Azur 340R | Wharfedale Diamond 9.2 | Magnat Betasub 20A | Sennheiser HD555

  21. #21


    Citace Původně odeslal AraFat
    me tuhne 3dmark...s 3.4 co sem mel predtim to jelo np....nedelaji vam to taky??
    odinstaloval si ich poriadne? Dricer cleaner a pod?
    MT Board : MSI 845PE MAX, Procesor : P4 2,53 Ghz 533FSB, Memory : 1024 DDR 333 Mhz, Video card : Gigabyte MAYA II Radeon 9700 pro, Audio card : Audigy 2, Hard Drives : 2x IBM 40 Gb, 7200 ot. Raid Striped, CD-ROM : MSI rewriter 52x24x52, DVD-ROM : Teac, Repro : Inspire 5100Monitor : LCD Prestigio P174 17\"

    3D Mark 2001 SE : 14705 !NO OC!
    3D Mark 2003 : 5042 !NO OC!

  22. #22


    lol Driver Cleaner ) uz to nehul ray..
    MT Board : MSI 845PE MAX, Procesor : P4 2,53 Ghz 533FSB, Memory : 1024 DDR 333 Mhz, Video card : Gigabyte MAYA II Radeon 9700 pro, Audio card : Audigy 2, Hard Drives : 2x IBM 40 Gb, 7200 ot. Raid Striped, CD-ROM : MSI rewriter 52x24x52, DVD-ROM : Teac, Repro : Inspire 5100Monitor : LCD Prestigio P174 17\"

    3D Mark 2001 SE : 14705 !NO OC!
    3D Mark 2003 : 5042 !NO OC!

  23. #23
    Senior Member Avatar uživatele daggy
    Belá nad Cirochou/SR
    1 271


    Tie Catalysty mi teraz spôsobujú jeden zaujímavý problém. Niekedy pri nábehu WinXP mám iba čiernu obrazovku! Musím "naslepo" reštartnúť PC a potom je OK! Včera som mal malý bonus. Po reštarte mi nabehla pre zmenu sivá obrazovka! S Catalystami 3.6 sa mi podobné vtákoviny nestávali.
    Intel C2D E7500 2,93 GHz, Gigabyte EP-45-UD3, A-Data Vitesta 2x2GB 1066 MHz, Hitachi Deskstar 250 GB + Samsung HD321KJ 320 GB SATA II + WD 2500KS 250 GB SATA II + WD 7500AACS 750 GB SATA II, Sapphire ATI Radeon X1950XT+AC Accelero S1+AC AF 12025PWM, Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 4, LCD LG L194WT-SF 19" Widescreen + telka Hyunday, Technisat Sky Star HD2 + 85cm parabola + motor Optibox DM2800, DVD-RW SONY DRU190A, DSL2+ Router Zyxel Prestige P-660HW-T3, Razer Diamondback Chameleon, Fortron 500W PFC, Scythe Ninja rev.B + Evercool SCB-CD, Case CoolerMaster Mystique 631s

  24. #24


    Já nemůžu... někde jsem četl o "diletantsví" tvůrců ovladačů DNA... jen by mě zajímalo, proč teda běhaj líp, stabilnějš a sou lepší než clysty?? Někdo mi prosimvás vysvětlete, proč je ATI nezaměstná, protože já po zkušenostech s ATi 9000PRO bych všechny pseudoprogramátory ovladačů cataclyst asi vystřelil na měsíc... jenom bůůůůůůůůůůůůům a letěli by... navíc nechápu, proč má tak málo těch programátorů už vim, protože, kdyby jich měla ATI 2krát tolik co inženýrů jako v nvidii, tak by je to svádělo podvádět Ale dost již bylo legrace... ATI se má ještě co učit od "diletantů"
    motto: nikdy neházej flintu do žita. Někdo by jí totiž mohl vytáhnout a použít proti Tobě
    ::: CPU:AMD AthlonXP 2600+ @ 3100+ ( AQZFA-0349-UPMW, 192FSB...nic moc, ale jede) ::: Cooling: Home made Water Cooling... idle 30°C & load 40°C ::: MB:ABIT AN7 ::: RAM: 1x512MB DDR PC3200 CL2.5 ::: GPU: MSI GeForce4 Ti4200 250/513@320/620 ::: HDD: Samsung SP1213C 120GB S-ATA ňuf ňuf ňuf ::: CASE: 300W ATX ::: Mechaniky: FDD 3,5\"; CD-RW TEAC W552E ::: atd.

  25. #25


    Který DNA používáš. Slyšel jsem že ty poslední jsou taky samej problém.
    Stahoval jsem nějaký starší, ale s chybou. Neznáte někdo odkaz kde můžu stáhnout ty ovladače DNA myslím že to je ?

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    Založil no-X v sekci fóra Grafické karty
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  2. ATI Catalyst™ 5.11 WHQL
    Založil Spajdr v sekci fóra Grafické karty
    Odpovědí: 33
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  3. ATI CATALYST 4.2 (12.2.2004)
    Založil flash v sekci fóra Grafické karty
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  4. ATi Catalyst 3.0 (direct X 9.0) je tu !
    Založil Spajdr v sekci fóra Grafické karty
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    Poslední příspěvek: 05.02.2003, 19:44
  5. ATI Catalyst 02.4
    Založil Spajdr v sekci fóra Grafické karty
    Odpovědí: 27
    Poslední příspěvek: 05.12.2002, 10:48

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