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Téma: Nové ovladače Audigy (1,2,2ZS,live...)

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  1. #1

    Standardní Nové ovladače Audigy (1,2,2ZS,live...)

    Prošel jsem diskuze ohledně ovladačů na Audigy karty, a trošku to mám popletené,pokud chci vyzkoušet nové ovladačena moji AUDIGY1 ES

    (Všechny původní odinstalovat a to buď pomocí PAX uninstal (pokud jsem měl inst. Pax ovl.) nebo klasicky přes přidat/odebrat programy + driver cleaner a reg. Cleaner)


    1).na čisto hodit PAX-NewYear v1.2 released.(01.2005) a vyzkoušet zvuk.hudba,hry
    (ovládání pouze pře control panel .)
    2) na čisto hodit třeba nové your PAX ZS v4.00 a to samé
    3) stáhnout PAX-NewYear 2005 (253 MB rar) celý balík a vybrat si instalaci bez ovladačů a nechat naistalované ty pro mě lepší 1 nebo 2
    4) naistalovat PAX celý balík i s ovladačema které obsahuje (nevím které verze?)

    má někdo zkušenosti s instalováním při těchto postupech , nebo pouze s tím PAX-NewYear 2005 (253 MB) balíkem?

    předem díky

    odkazy z http://ordorica.org/
    For Audigy and Live Series:
    This new package contains both Live! and Audigy series drivers in one. It is based on Audigy 4 drivers and software. There are two different drivers for the Live! series. There is one modded driver for the Audigy.

    Most of the bugs have been fixed in this release. I suggest you be patient and wait for the dialogues to appear. Some people are having trouble because they don't wait long enough. Also some of the dialogues get lost behind the installation screen. If you get stuck while installing, use Alt + Tab to bring up the hidden dialogue boxes.
    Read the forums.
    I have recompressed it using 7zip beta 4.15, although any 7zip should be able to open it. Reduced from 378MB to 253MB. Same exact file.
    I recommend using http://filemirrors.com/ and http://getright.com/ to get these files.

    PAX-NewYear2005 - 253MB - Server 1
    PAX-NewYear2005 - 253MB - Server 2
    If that is down. Try this bittorrent that already has a few seeders. I am adding myself to it to add more bandwidth.


    For Audigy Series - Not for SBLive, or Audigy LS
    Today I have a new set of drivers to share. They are PAX 4.00 drivers. They can be installed alone, but this set of drivers does not contain the Creative software package. For the software package, look above and download the PAX-NewYear2005 package first.

    Read this first:
    I have recompressed it using 7zip beta 4.16, although any 7zip should be able to open it. Reduced from 24MB to 19MB. Same exact file.
    I recommend using http://filemirrors.com/ and http://getright.com/ to get these files.
    Fixed a few bugs of YouP-PAX ZS v3.99:
    -fix that conflict occurs when installing related DVD-AUDIO software
    -sound effect in Games are enhanced and better performance with the games in that hissing issue is fixed with some games.
    YouP-PAX-ZSv4.00 - 19MB - Server 1
    YouP-PAX-ZSv4.00 - 19MB - Server 2

  2. #2


    Vyzkousej bety driveru od Creative
    AMD The S I L E N C E R powered by: PcLinuxOs
    San Diego 3500+@3080MHz 11*280MHz, vcore 1.42V , AC Freezer 64, MSI K8N Neo2 FX nForce3 250Gb, Patriot PDC 1GB DDR500 8-4-4-3, Sapphire Ati Radeon x1950 pro 512 + Arctic Cooling Accelero S1, Antec Nine Hundred, PSU Seasonic S12-2 500W, LG GSA-4136, Pioneer A09XL, Logitech X-530. 3DMark01/03/05/06 29485/15384/9894/4597 marks

  3. #3


    Jaké Bety nic takového neznám?

  4. #4


    Zkoušeli jste někdo ty nové ovladače YouP-PAX-ZSv4.00, prý mají dost vychytávek, pokud nikdo nekecá.Já mám zatím na své Audigy 1 ES PAX-NewYear v1.2 drivers bez softu.Jde mě o zvuk 5.1 u her a 2.0 pro mp3

    Jinak jak probíhá instalace jiných driverů než ty co jsou v balíku + PAX-NewYear2005 package
    Jde mě o správný postup!
    První mám nainstalovat třeba drivery PAX 1.2 (nebo 4.00) a potom bez restartu ten pack softu bez driverů nebo naopak a nebo pokud mám drivery pax už nainstalované stačí ten pack (software) doinstalovat, a nebo nainstalovat celý pack s ovladačemi PAX které jsou uvnitř toho packu tedy YouP-PAX-ZSv3.89 .

    Původní jsem měl ovladače z Audigy 2ZS modlé přes compatibility patch ale některé hry jely jenom ve stereu a né 5.1 třeba NFU2 ale zvuk good.(až na oddělovací frekv. Subwoofru a jeho zvuk no hrůza ,zlaty KX)

    Jinak všechny PAX drivery jsou na


    Enhanced separability of high, intermediate and low frequency through the modification improved flexibility of low frequency sound, it’s stronger and lower than the official driver, tone color of different sound level is perfectly balanced, intermediate frequency sound field is close for music playback, improved gaming sound effects and greater 3D sound effect compatibility with games ,it also has greater DVD-Video playback quality.
    This set of drivers optimized aims on analog output only, it has not been tested for digital output, please uninstall it and change to other drivers if any problem occurs during the use.
    Audigy2 to Audigy2 ZS soft-mod patch are integrated; debug audio control panel, replaced with creative audio control program, installation program will automatically choose the option, it also allows you to choose whether to install the “speed-up shut down” patch provided by Microsoft.
    Known problems:
    To gain better sound quality, port definition files of the driver are modded, if install on the Audigy2 or Audigy2 ZS soundcard with external box or digital I/O card, it may represent unable to adjust volume of front left/right channel, however, it does not effect the volume of front channel, this problem is currently not able to be fixed.
    1.Before the installation, please uninstall the current soundcard drivers on your OS, otherwise, it may interfere with the new drivers installation.
    2.If any incompatible issue occurs after the installation, please uninstall the driver and reinstall it, and if the problem occurs again, please reinstall the OS.
    3.Please close the other programs before the installation, it may interfere with the installation progress, some antivirus software may also cause problems.

    Updated. YouP-PAX ZS v4.0 has been out.
    Fixed a few bugs of YouP-PAX ZS v3.99:
    -fix that conflict occurs when installing related DVD-AUDIO software
    -sound effect in Games are enhanced and better performance with the games in that hissing issue is fixed with some games.

  5. #5
    Senior Member VIP Avatar uživatele Arteee
    Hey Prague
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    BA95 positive
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