Toto me hlasi tvtime
    Cannot allocate enough off-screen video memory.  This may be fixed by:
      1. Closing or restarting large X applications.
      2. Lowering the input width of tvtime (--inputwidth parameter).
      3. Lowering your colour depth or highest configured resolution.
      4. Increasing the amount of video memory in your X config file
         (for example, if you are using the i810 XFree86 driver.)
    See for more information.
Zacalo to delat pravdepodobne po upgradu XFree na verzi Ale zvlastni je ta vec, ze v KDE i klasickem XFree to jede uplne v pohode ale v gnome 2.4 to nejede, zkusil jsem i upgrade na verzi 2.6 a stale to same.
V konfiguraku XFree u karty mam radek VideoRam 65536