A muzes mi rict proc nemenis voltaz pres NiBiTorPůvodně odeslal Rutuf
A muzes mi rict proc nemenis voltaz pres NiBiTorPůvodně odeslal Rutuf
But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy
Původně odeslal wincent
se mi nezdá, ještě jsem nezažil, že by nešlo sundat referenční chlazení z FXka....ale někdy stačí menší sía, nebo nožík.....s velkou opatrností! BTW...kdyby jsi se náhodou zbavoval toho pasivu na paměti a dával tam jinej, tak bych měl o ten referenční zájem....
Mám NiBitor 1.6a a ten nabizi jen 1.4V vic nic!!!Původně odeslal Masster
CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2,4GHz - Thermaltake Big Typhon MB - ASUS P5B Deluxe RAM - Kingston 2x1024MB 750MHz CL4 GPU - X1950PRO 256MB HDD - SATA 2 2x 320GB DVD-ROM - LG 4082B CASE - 3R System Air Black ZDROJ - LC Power 550W 12cm fan Monitor - CRT 19" Samsung SyncMaster 957DF Zvuk - SB Audidy2 ZS, Gembird WCS-YF-1A
Tak vymen bios, jestli ti nejde o tv-out.Původně odeslal Rutuf
But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy
Zkousel jsem tam dat MSI5950U a psalo to nejakej error a TV-OUT se hodi.Původně odeslal Masster
CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2,4GHz - Thermaltake Big Typhon MB - ASUS P5B Deluxe RAM - Kingston 2x1024MB 750MHz CL4 GPU - X1950PRO 256MB HDD - SATA 2 2x 320GB DVD-ROM - LG 4082B CASE - 3R System Air Black ZDROJ - LC Power 550W 12cm fan Monitor - CRT 19" Samsung SyncMaster 957DF Zvuk - SB Audidy2 ZS, Gembird WCS-YF-1A
uz to sundat nepotrebuju, chladi to dobre, jen to cidlo me zmatlo... silu jsem pouzil docela znacnou, ale nakonec jsem se na to vykaslal abych ten pasiv nesundal i s gpu a pasiv z pameti vymenovat nebudu, jsem s nim zatim spokojenyPůvodně odeslal Over
MB ASUS P4P800 i 865PE SE, CPU P4 3.2GHz Prescott 800MHz + SPIRE CoolWave SP441B0-F, VGA Asus GeForce FX5900 + Zalman VF700-cu, Zdroj KME Maxpower PZ-500, RAM 2X DDR 256 MB PC400MHz CL2.5 KINGMAX, HDD Seagate Barracuda V 200GB SATA + Seagate Barracuda 300GB SATA II, DVD R/RW TEAC DV-W516GB DL, LCD HYUNDAI B90A, wi-fi Ovislink 5460AP, Keyboard Genius SlimStar,Mouse Razer DiamondBack
Mam Leadtek FX 5900XT (390/700@435/935) a karta mi pri frekvenci core 450 (coz je dost malo)mrzne,chtel bych proto upravit v biosu voltage na 1.5 nebo 1.4,ale radsi se chci prvne zeptat jestli se do toho mam vubec poustet ?
Mam tu samou kartu rev. C1 a pomocí biosu mi napěti zvednout nejde, pouze snizovat
Skus modlej bios, treba to Tobe pujde
mam stejnou grafuli a jede mě viz popis.U tebe bude problem but s napajenim (slabej zdroj -konkrétně 12V vetev) , nebo chlazeni - doufam ze driv nez si ji strcil do kompu tak si sundal pasiv a seskrabal tu jejich origos zvejku a nanesl nejakou silikon&keramika pastu. S tou origos zvejkou to totiz topi jako sfine (je ji tam hodne tlusta vrstva -az 1mm) a grafule pada pri hrani do trotle modu a to dela to kousani. Staci si pustit nejaky program co umi zaznamenat jeji teploty (Speedfan416) a trotle mod (RivaTuner) a uvidis kde je problem...Původně odeslal karel
AXMG2600+@2520MHz (12x210),WATER-BY_RADEK-CASCADE+GPU+NB+(33/38°C-Idle/Load), A7N8X-D v.2, 2X 512MB 450MHz - A-Data , LEADTEK 5900XT-390/700@520/950,HDD ST160,IBM180,IBM120, DVDRW LG-4082B, DVDRW NEC1300, CRT-19\" AOC.
Zdroj mam sice pomerně slabej Fortron FSP300PNPF,ale řekl bych že v tom to nebude,proste sem narazil na horší kus s teplotou mam problemy az ted kdyz sem tam hodil napeti 1.5V tak to leze i pres 70C.Původně odeslal integráč
Ten chladic sem nesundaval,protoze to tam docela fest drzi a nechci si znicit kartu.
Este k tem BIOSum mel sem tam nekolik verzi od 5950Ultra az po leadtek 5900,kterek ted pouzivam.A chtel bych se zeptat kterej BIOS je lepsi pouzivat jestli 5900 nebo 5950Ultra,oba umoznujou napeti 1.5 a u obou mi funguje Tvout,ale ten z 5950Ultra (nevim proc,dyt latence pameti jsou stejny jako s defaultnim biosem pro FX5900XT) bere body v Marku,ten z 5900 asi taky,prave proto chci nastavit 1.5 v biosu pro FX5900XT ja sem to zkousel nekolikrat a nefunguje mi to kdyz tam dam 96 03 tak mi to po flashi hodilo napeti na 0,9 to same kdyz sem tam dal A2 03 coz by melo nastavit napeti na 1.6V,potom sem jeste zkouse 96 04 a to mi nastavilo po flashi v RivaTuneru 0.8,takze to vypada,ze biosy pro 5900XT neumi nastavit vyssi napeti,nez 1.4V u FX5900 to funguje asi proto ze maji podobnou strukturu,takze treba napeti 1.4 pro by bylo pro 5900/5950Ulta 8C 06 pro XTcko to je 8C 03.
Asi je to trochu nesrozumitelne...
na original BIOSe od ASUSU mam casovanie (v OEE)
mam casovanie 15 17 10 5 5
na inych BIOSov (Leadtek,Inno3D atd.) je casovanie 17 18 10 5 5
viete mi niekto povedat ktore casovanie je lepsie
mam 3,6ns samsungy a daju mi iba 550MHz a aj vtedy su niekedy artefakty v obraze takze na 3,6 velmi slabe
ale casovanie mam 15 17 10 5 5
mozno keby som zmenil cez OEE na 17 18 10 5 5 ako maju hore spominane BIOSy mozno by som dosiahol lepsie vysledky co vy na to
NiBiTor (OEE) nepodporuje Asus biosy...
Je to dane tim, ze maji odlisnou strukturu, samozrejme myslim jen FX radu.
But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy
konecne som sa odhodlal preflashovat moju MSI gf 5900 SP ale ked som tam dal modnuty bios Leadtek 5900 s 1.5v jadro 450 a pamete 850 (relaxing latency) obraz sa mi rozsypal ale potom som ho modol na 800 MHz a uz ide v pohode ale ked hram nejaku hru tak sa mi to prepina na 300 MHz a pritom throtling je nastaveny na 450 cim to moze byt
Chladenie mam povodne od MSI medeny chladic ako na 5900 xt pcb (vymena pasty za arctic silver ceramique) moze byt ze to nestaci chladit
HOME AMD Phenom X6 1055T@3.7 GHz 264 fsb , NOCTUA NH-U12F, GIGABYTE GA MX790 UD3P rev 1.0, THERMALRIGHT HR-05 SLI , silent modded OCZ 600W, 2*2048 1066+2* 1024 MB ADATA VITESTA EXTREME 5-5-5-15 MHz in Dual Chanel, GAINWARD RADEON 4850 HD 700/1100, HITACHI DESKSTAR T7K500 320 GB, WD AAKS 500 GB, SAM@SUNG HD103UJ 1 TB, SAM@SUNG HD103SJ 1 TB , NEC ND 4550A 1.X7, AUDIGY 1, 20" LCD LG L 2000 C
WORK HP nc 6720s 1.6 merom, 120 gb HDD, 3 GB RAM
Athlon®1700XP JIUHB 2410 MHz (12x200 1.75V), Fortron 350W 12fan, Zalman 7000 A, EPOX 8RDAE nFORCE2-400, PQI 2x512 PC3200, LC 2.5-3-3-11, Nv-Inno3D® 6800NU 380/900 AC-Silencer5, HDD Maxtor 60GB 7200 ,Teac 552G 52x32x52, DVD Toshiba 1802, CaseThermaltake VM2000 A "Lanfire " LCD Samsung 710T 12ms/DVI
- C2D® E8500 @4,0 - 8x500 Vcore 1,28/ Noctua NH-U 9 1x9 FAN 6V 38°C/44°C / GigabyteP35-DS3R/Patriot 2x2024 800@1000Mhz /
- MSI GeForce GTX 280 1GB /Western Digital 640GB AALS 7200.10 SATA 32MB/SB Audigy 2 ZS/DVD-RW SonyNec AD7170A /
- Tsunami 3x12 FAN 6V/ Corsair 650W /LG Flatron 22" L225WT DVI/Razer Diamondback PLASMA 1600dpi/
A co WFFlash?Původně odeslal Champion
But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy
tam mi tiez hodi nejaku hlasku s odkazom na Leadtek strankuPůvodně odeslal Masster
- C2D® E8500 @4,0 - 8x500 Vcore 1,28/ Noctua NH-U 9 1x9 FAN 6V 38°C/44°C / GigabyteP35-DS3R/Patriot 2x2024 800@1000Mhz /
- MSI GeForce GTX 280 1GB /Western Digital 640GB AALS 7200.10 SATA 32MB/SB Audigy 2 ZS/DVD-RW SonyNec AD7170A /
- Tsunami 3x12 FAN 6V/ Corsair 650W /LG Flatron 22" L225WT DVI/Razer Diamondback PLASMA 1600dpi/
A jake verze si pouzil?
But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy
NVflash 508Původně odeslal Masster
a Wfflash 5,1 aj 5.6 to su posledne co som nasiel ..
- C2D® E8500 @4,0 - 8x500 Vcore 1,28/ Noctua NH-U 9 1x9 FAN 6V 38°C/44°C / GigabyteP35-DS3R/Patriot 2x2024 800@1000Mhz /
- MSI GeForce GTX 280 1GB /Western Digital 640GB AALS 7200.10 SATA 32MB/SB Audigy 2 ZS/DVD-RW SonyNec AD7170A /
- Tsunami 3x12 FAN 6V/ Corsair 650W /LG Flatron 22" L225WT DVI/Razer Diamondback PLASMA 1600dpi/
Mozna bys mel zkusit NVFlash 4.41, nejspolehlivejsi verze podle me.Původně odeslal Champion
But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy
este nieco: nemoze to vadit ze to skusam aj Flasnut z HDD ?? Ked som mal ATI 9800 tak tam som to robil len z hardisku cez BOT cd ..Původně odeslal Masster
- C2D® E8500 @4,0 - 8x500 Vcore 1,28/ Noctua NH-U 9 1x9 FAN 6V 38°C/44°C / GigabyteP35-DS3R/Patriot 2x2024 800@1000Mhz /
- MSI GeForce GTX 280 1GB /Western Digital 640GB AALS 7200.10 SATA 32MB/SB Audigy 2 ZS/DVD-RW SonyNec AD7170A /
- Tsunami 3x12 FAN 6V/ Corsair 650W /LG Flatron 22" L225WT DVI/Razer Diamondback PLASMA 1600dpi/
Nemelo by, flashovaci utilita se urcite pokousi zapsat zalohu do stejneho adresare jako je ona sama.
But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy
Skusil som NVflsah 4.41 a hodi to hlasku :Původně odeslal Masster
Warning: cannot open swapfile c:/cwsdpmi.swp a znova to iste ako pred tym http://forum.nitranet.sk/download.php?id=152
Skusal som aj naflashovat bios a ani to nejde
- C2D® E8500 @4,0 - 8x500 Vcore 1,28/ Noctua NH-U 9 1x9 FAN 6V 38°C/44°C / GigabyteP35-DS3R/Patriot 2x2024 800@1000Mhz /
- MSI GeForce GTX 280 1GB /Western Digital 640GB AALS 7200.10 SATA 32MB/SB Audigy 2 ZS/DVD-RW SonyNec AD7170A /
- Tsunami 3x12 FAN 6V/ Corsair 650W /LG Flatron 22" L225WT DVI/Razer Diamondback PLASMA 1600dpi/
A vies preco ti vypise , ze Warning: cannot open swapfile c:/cwsdpmi.swp preto ze mas urcite na c: strane ntfs particiu. To mne vypisuje tiez ale ide v pohode a preflashuje.Původně odeslal Champion
Ferrari F1 – 2004
AMD BARTON 2500+@3200+ (11x215=2365MHz, 1.775V), ThermalTake Volacno 9 CoolMod, Epox 8KRA2+, Seagate 200GB S-ATA 8MB Cache, A-Data VITESTA 2 x 256MB PC 500, MSI GeForce FX 5900XT@450/965, Pioneer 108D aka Piodata 108DX, Samsung SyncMaster 710N, 3DMark03=6000, 3DMark01=15343
tak ten bios z leadteka bol nejaky na huja prebehol 3 dmark03 vysledok este mensi ako na default biose cca o 800 bodov hned ho hodilo na 300 jadro a sa to nejako posralo ked som vypol comp tak uz nenabehol iba rozbita obrazovka a nie a nie nejako nabootovat s diskety(tma) no nakoniec (po dvoch dnoch nejako nabehlo) som tam dal povodny
karta nejako nezvlada ani 800 mhz pamete oplati sa este skusat ked na povodnom biose dam iba 445/760 ale zaujimave je ked jadro necham na default tak pamete idu aj na 800 ale ked dvihnem jadro tak pamete uz nechcu ist a hned to hadze throtling na 375 MHz oplati sa skusit bios s 5950 ustra s pametami na 800 a jadro na 450 a potom to skusit nataktovat cez forceware ma niekto podobne skusenosti
nemoze to byt problem chladenia na jadre mam povodny chladic a na pametiach mam hlinikove pasivy a tie dost topia
HOME AMD Phenom X6 1055T@3.7 GHz 264 fsb , NOCTUA NH-U12F, GIGABYTE GA MX790 UD3P rev 1.0, THERMALRIGHT HR-05 SLI , silent modded OCZ 600W, 2*2048 1066+2* 1024 MB ADATA VITESTA EXTREME 5-5-5-15 MHz in Dual Chanel, GAINWARD RADEON 4850 HD 700/1100, HITACHI DESKSTAR T7K500 320 GB, WD AAKS 500 GB, SAM@SUNG HD103UJ 1 TB, SAM@SUNG HD103SJ 1 TB , NEC ND 4550A 1.X7, AUDIGY 1, 20" LCD LG L 2000 C
WORK HP nc 6720s 1.6 merom, 120 gb HDD, 3 GB RAM
Stiahol som Bios "bfgfx5950" a je super. Na mojej "bývalej Asus 9950" mi ide taktovanie 2D/3D, a ide mi aj TV-out. Je to proste super.
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