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Téma: Biosy a flashovani - Update!

  1. #76


    447Pro: Mas nejake dobre pamate ked ti idu na 880. mne to tuhne pri 860. ale jadro mi ide viac. Podla mna by ti to malo hadzat viac bodov. Ja sa teraz dostanem bez problemov na 5800.
    Ferrari F1 – 2004
    AMD BARTON 2500+@3200+ (11x215=2365MHz, 1.775V), ThermalTake Volacno 9 CoolMod, Epox 8KRA2+, Seagate 200GB S-ATA 8MB Cache, A-Data VITESTA 2 x 256MB PC 500, MSI GeForce FX 5900XT@450/965, Pioneer 108D aka Piodata 108DX, Samsung SyncMaster 710N, 3DMark03=6000, 3DMark01=15343

  2. #77

  3. #78


    Citace Původně odeslal Martin83
    447Pro: Mas nejake dobre pamate ked ti idu na 880. mne to tuhne pri 860. ale jadro mi ide viac. Podla mna by ti to malo hadzat viac bodov. Ja sa teraz dostanem bez problemov na 5800.

    jj taky myslim, ze by to melo byt vic, ale asi to brzdi to jadro, uz pracuju na vodnikovi, takze podle me by to pak jeste mohlo byt lepsi

    CPU mam v zatezi na 57°C a GPU nevim, pac tam neni cidlo ;(

    co mas za detonatory
    EPOX 8KRA2+ VIA KT600, Barton 2500+@2200MHz (3200+) -falconrock2 s windtunelem- default voltage, 1024MB DDR 400, ATA Maxtor 120GB 7200 8MB, TEAC DVD/CD-RW combo, Case 3R system Land Rover (server case) + 1x 120 primecooler sleve, Ultra POWER 460W zdroj (30A na +12), MSI FX5900XT - 450/880 @ Gigabyte MOD BIOS
    6088 bodu 3d mark 03

  4. #79


    Momentalne 61.12. Skusim najst niekde nejaky voltmod a pustim sa do toho.
    Ferrari F1 – 2004
    AMD BARTON 2500+@3200+ (11x215=2365MHz, 1.775V), ThermalTake Volacno 9 CoolMod, Epox 8KRA2+, Seagate 200GB S-ATA 8MB Cache, A-Data VITESTA 2 x 256MB PC 500, MSI GeForce FX 5900XT@450/965, Pioneer 108D aka Piodata 108DX, Samsung SyncMaster 710N, 3DMark03=6000, 3DMark01=15343

  5. #80


    jj, to by bylo fajn, kdyztak to pak sem postni, taky bych tomu pritopil, jenze ted nemam moc casu na hledani ;( prace moc...
    EPOX 8KRA2+ VIA KT600, Barton 2500+@2200MHz (3200+) -falconrock2 s windtunelem- default voltage, 1024MB DDR 400, ATA Maxtor 120GB 7200 8MB, TEAC DVD/CD-RW combo, Case 3R system Land Rover (server case) + 1x 120 primecooler sleve, Ultra POWER 460W zdroj (30A na +12), MSI FX5900XT - 450/880 @ Gigabyte MOD BIOS
    6088 bodu 3d mark 03

  6. #81


    Hallo.. Neviem najst ziadny voltmod. pls ak by niekto nieco nasiel dajte vediet. chcem sa do toho pustit.
    Ferrari F1 – 2004
    AMD BARTON 2500+@3200+ (11x215=2365MHz, 1.775V), ThermalTake Volacno 9 CoolMod, Epox 8KRA2+, Seagate 200GB S-ATA 8MB Cache, A-Data VITESTA 2 x 256MB PC 500, MSI GeForce FX 5900XT@450/965, Pioneer 108D aka Piodata 108DX, Samsung SyncMaster 710N, 3DMark03=6000, 3DMark01=15343

  7. #82


    Citace Původně odeslal Martin83
    Hallo.. Neviem najst ziadny voltmod. pls ak by niekto nieco nasiel dajte vediet. chcem sa do toho pustit.
    taky bych to uvital
    EPOX 8KRA2+ VIA KT600, Barton 2500+@2200MHz (3200+) -falconrock2 s windtunelem- default voltage, 1024MB DDR 400, ATA Maxtor 120GB 7200 8MB, TEAC DVD/CD-RW combo, Case 3R system Land Rover (server case) + 1x 120 primecooler sleve, Ultra POWER 460W zdroj (30A na +12), MSI FX5900XT - 450/880 @ Gigabyte MOD BIOS
    6088 bodu 3d mark 03

  8. #83



    tak jeste jedna malickost... Je nutne mit dostatecne silny zdroj... sam mam Fortrona 300W a na tenhle oc je to jiz malo, zkusil jsem podtaktovat CPU na puvodni hodnoty (166*11=2500+) a hned jsem jadro GPU dostal o dalsich 30MHz vys.

    HW Update:

    heatsinky na pameti jsou ABSOLUTNE ROX rozdil bez 880 a s nimi 920
    EPOX 8KRA2+ VIA KT600, Barton 2500+@2200MHz (3200+) -falconrock2 s windtunelem- default voltage, 1024MB DDR 400, ATA Maxtor 120GB 7200 8MB, TEAC DVD/CD-RW combo, Case 3R system Land Rover (server case) + 1x 120 primecooler sleve, Ultra POWER 460W zdroj (30A na +12), MSI FX5900XT - 450/880 @ Gigabyte MOD BIOS
    6088 bodu 3d mark 03

  9. #84
    Junior Member
    Jeronýmova 814 Hradec Králové


    Hoj...mam Leadtek 350 xtecko a dnes sem zkousel flashnout na leadtek ultra 5950 a na asus 5950 a taky na ten modified bios jak o nem mluvil masakr...normalne mi karta jede na 450 930 kvuli far cry pri vyssich frekvencich jsou artefakty...u jinych her jedu casto 520 950....
    Ten bios od leadteku me rozhazel obraz..od asusu sel ok ale neslo moc taktit jean asi na 480 ...a stejne sel 3dmark03 hrozne..vykonem tak na urovni mx 440 a far cry nemluve tam se to skoro nehejbalo...ten modified sel celkem good ale delal artefakty a to tak ze mrte...
    No moje otazka zni, mam forton 300W muze to byt tim ze se s tim ultra asusem nechytam? nemam po ruce lepsi zdroj, jen dalsi 300..pomuze dyz dam kartu na samostatnou tristovku nebo tam de vic stavi z agpecka?
    Jinak chlazenim to neni na GPU mam box z bartona chladi to na 35 stupnu pri plny zatezi a na ramkach thermaltake.
    predem dik
    BARTON 2500@3300+(11*210) ,Aero cooler light ,Forton 300W, Abit NF7 (Bios 10beta4x2) , Winfast Leadtek 350 FX-5900xt (470/952), 512 Ram A-Data 420Mhz , Hitachi 120GB , Lite-On Rw , Case fortrex
    3Dmark03+patch 6250 bodu... own ya

  10. #85
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Dobra zprava pro majitele flashnutych 5900, kteri tim prisli o tv-out

    Na jednom foru sem nasel nekoho kdo rozlustil bios a vi co ktere hodnoty znamenaji a na co je zmenit. Takze uz je mozna si na sve 5900 jen zvysit voltaz u jadra a neni potrebo flashovat bios z 5950.

    Z casovych duvodu to sem zatim hodim anglicky (mozna se na to vrhnu za par tydnu), kdyby se to nekomu nahodou chtelo prelozit tak se tomu samozrejme nebranim

    I will start with a simple cautionary warning to all who think that bios modding appears very straight forward and thus holds no threat to them.

    The major, but least understood, problem with modifying bios's and flashing cards, is that whatever defaults you flash to, may, in extreme cases, be too much and thus not allow your card to post during your computer's bootup. It may not in fact be a bad bios, just a bad flash of a bios to your card which stops it posting. And if this does happen, then unfortunately for you, to recover the situation, only a professional with the right tools may be able to erase and reflash your card to a working state.

    Just a small warning then to everybody wanting to play about with bios modding -----> Do something wrong, doesn't have to be more than a wrong binary digit in wrong place or a bad flash and you could be looking for that professional bios fixer or another card.

    So be careful out there !!!

    The FX5900nu, FX5900u and FX5950u cards are essentially the same design and therefore bios's are generally interchangeable, and likewise any modified versions of each bios. The new and more unique FX5900XT type (including SE/LX/SP etc) however is a somewhat different and cheaper design of card, and its bios, although interchangeable with other XT's, is not in fact useable with any of the original 59xx cards. When proposing bios changes it is therefore best to consider them separately.

    It is suggested that the Ray Adams X-Bios Editor v1.0.3.520 be used for all bios changes as it includes the best free Hex Editor, and most importantly it will add the correct CRC bit to ensure a successful flash. And for flashing, it is also suggested that nvflash.exe v4.41 be used. It is a flashing program I have used with complete success literally hundreds of times.

    1. FX5900nu, FX5900u and 5950u.

    (a). SPEEDS.
    For the purposes of bios speed changes, neither the ASUS5900u or 5950u bios's are considered applicable as GPU and Memory speed table structures are totally different from all others bios's.

    The first thing about GPU and Memory speeds is to identify how to find and read them. All speeds are stored as 8 bit binary words which are derived from a hex conversion of the speed required as follows,

    A typical stock speed setup of 300/400/850 means that,

    2D speed is 300MHz.
    3D speed is 400MHz.
    Memory speed is 850MHz (Actually 425MHz, only stated as 850 as it is DDR Memory).

    In simplistic terms, the binary word is derived by multiplying the speed by 100, converting to Hex, transposing the last and first two digits of Hex value and adding four zero's to the end.

    2D speed = 300x100 = 30000 = 7530 Hex = 30750000 bin word (or 30 75 00 00)
    3D speed = 400x100 = 40000 = 9C40 Hex = 409C0000 bin word (or 40 9C 00 00)
    Mem speed = 425x100 = 42500 = A604 Hex = 04A60000 bin word (or 04 A6 00 00)

    So to find any GPU or Memory speed in a bios just look for the 8 bit binary word that represents it, ie for 300MHz look for "30 75 00 00", and change it to any other 8 bit binary word. It is important that you look for the 8 bit binary value rather than just the front 4 bit word, as that particular 4 bit sequence may exist in a number of places in the bios file as programming code, which, if you change, could cause serious problems.

    The GPU and Memory speed tables are located near the end of the bios file and are structured as three closely positioned tables starting with 2D, then Throttling and finally 3D. Each table consists of nine 8 bit binary words, the first bin word being for GPU speed followed by eight 8 bit words for Memory speed. Throttling is set at 375MHz regardless of GPU 2D/3D speeds, And Memory speed is set the same for all Tables.

    Using the above example of 300/400/850 will show,

    2D Table (300/850),
    30 75 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00
    04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00
    04 A6 00 00

    Throttling Table (375/850),
    7C 92 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00
    04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00
    04 A6 00 00

    3D Table (400/850),
    40 9C 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00
    04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00 04 A6 00 00
    04 A6 00 00

    The Throttling function is only applicable to 3D Mode of operation and can be effectively disabled if desired by setting speed to same as 3D. This is what is normally done for some FX5700u bios's I have checked. Also remember to change the GPU throttling volts to cater for whatever speed you have set it at.

    Another possible way of removing throttling however is to use a ASUS5900u or 5950u bios as they operate in 3D all the time and feedback has indicated they have no throttling mode ?

    (b). GPU VOLTS.
    Closely located to the three speed tables, is another Table of seven 2 Bit values for controlling GPU Volts, structured as follows,

    07 78 04 82 05 8C 06

    The purpose of this table is to set the GPU volts during 2D, Throttling and 3D modes. In simple terms, the first two bit value represents the max number of table options, and the follow on three 4 bit words show the actual options that are set for this bios. However note that the first two bits of each 4 bit word is only an indicator, and has no functional purpose other than it indicates the volts expected (found by, converting to decimal/100). The last two bits of each 4 bit word are the important ones, because they set the GPU volts for the various modes of the card.

    Using above example shows,

    (hex 78.)/100 or 120/100 = 1.2 = 04 option.
    (hex 82)/100 or 130/100 = 1.3 = 05 option.
    (hex 8C)/100 or 140/100 = 1.4 = 06 option.

    This shows that GPU volts in 2D as set by option 04 is 1.2V, and in Throttling mode as set by option 05 is 1.3V and finally 3D as set by option 06 is 1.4V. You can however interchange any of the 4 bit values, and thus set 2D GPU volts at 1.4V if desired.

    There is a seventh option, indicated by the "07" at the start of the table, which is needed by a 5950u, where it sets the GPU volts at 1.5V in order that it can run at higher speeds. And when present is normally represented by "96 07" in the 3D position of the table. And, although not normally used in a 5900nu or 5900u bios, there is no reason why either of these can't have the GPU volts set to give the same 1.5v of a 5950u.

    So any 5900nu, 5900u or 5950u bios can be changed to make GPU volts in 2D, Throttling and 3D modes anything from 1.2V to 1.5V.

    Nearer the end of the bios file is another table with the basic memory latencies, made up of eight 8 bit binary words. Standard values set for a 5900nu are "07 00 0F 43" and for both 5900u and 5950u are "07 03 0F 43". And hard trials have shown that the optimum for improved performance with good stability is got by reducing the 43 to 40. The change must be made to each of the eight binary words in the table.

    And for many cards, just changing "07 03 0F 43" or "07 00 0F 43" to "07 00 0F 40" will provide even more perfomance, but may require slightly less overclocking of memory for good stability.

    2. FX5900XT/SE/LE/LX/SP etc.

    (a). SPEEDS.
    Changing speeds in a XT types bios is exactly the same as above for 5900nu, 5900u and 5950u bios's.

    (b). GPU VOLTS.
    Closely located to the three speed tables, is the seven 2 Bit binary Table for controlling GPU Volts in a typical XT bios. It is structured as follows,

    03 78 01 82 02 8C 03

    And like the table at 1(b) above, the purpose of this table is also to set the GPU volts during 2D, Throttling and 3D modes. In simple terms, the first two bit value represents the max number of table options, and the follow on three 4 bit words show the actual options that are set for this bios. However note that the first two bits of each 4 bit word is only an indicator, and has no functional purpose other than it indicates the volts expected (found by, converting to decimal/100). The last two bits of each 4 bit word are the important ones, because they set the GPU volts for the various modes of the card.

    Using above example shows,

    (hex 78.)/100 or 120/100 = 1.2 = 01 option.
    (hex 82)/100 or 130/100 = 1.3 = 02 option.
    (hex 8C)/100 or 140/100 = 1.4 = 03 option.

    This shows that GPU volts in 2D as set by option 01 is 1.2V, and in Throttling mode as set by option 02 is 1.3V and finally 3D as set by option 03 is 1.4V. You can however interchange any of the 4 bit values, and thus set 2D GPU volts at 1.4V if desired.

    Other than some manufacturers initial entry XT cards which were based on 5900nu's, there is no direct readaccross to the GPU 1.5V option of a 5950u. If the volts control table starts with "07" you have the 5950u 1.5V option, and if it starts with "03" you haven't.

    However any XT type bios can still be changed to make GPU volts in 2D, Throttling and 3D modes anything from 1.2V to 1.4V.

    Changing memory latency in a XT types bios is exactly the same as above for 5900nu, 5900u and 5950u bios's. The only difference you will encounter is that a XT bios is normally set at a very tight value of "07 03 0F 03". So in this case you will change the last "03" up to "40", for each of the eight binary words in the table. This will give much better memory overclocking and performance.

    And for many cards, changing "07 03 0F 03" to "07 00 0F 40" will provide even more perfomance, but may require slightly less overclocking of memory for good stability


    This procedure only covers the simple basics of what can be changed easily in a FX59xxx bios and not everything that is possible !!!!

    Ve 2 pripadech sem byl nucen pridat cervenou tecku, delalo mi to tam smajlika
    Velke podekovani autorovi, za tuhle praci " THX Jimmor"
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  11. #86
    Senior Member


    Zkousel jsem to pred mesicem, hned jak clanek vysel na nVnews, ale na moji karte nejde zvednout voltaz, jde pouze snizovat

  12. #87
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Citace Původně odeslal Pirs
    Zkousel jsem to pred mesicem, hned jak clanek vysel na nVnews, ale na moji karte nejde zvednout voltaz, jde pouze snizovat
    A nezkousel si tam hodit jinej bios?
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  13. #88
    Senior Member


    Samozrejme, Leadtek 5950u obe revize a pak nekolik modlejch. Kazdej prinesl vic problemu nez uzitku a tak jedu na puvodni. Jakmile dodelam chlazeni na grafiku, tak prijdou na radu grabbery a konecne pojedu na 500/1000

  14. #89
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Citace Původně odeslal Pirs
    Samozrejme, Leadtek 5950u obe revize a pak nekolik modlejch. Kazdej prinesl vic problemu nez uzitku a tak jedu na puvodni. Jakmile dodelam chlazeni na grafiku, tak prijdou na radu grabbery a konecne pojedu na 500/1000
    Ja myslel, jestli jsi nezkousel nejakou jinou revizi tveho original biosu, ta by treba modnout potom sla.
    Skoda, ze zrovna na Asus tenhle mod nefunguje
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  15. #90
    Senior Member


    Zkousel jsem rev1 z, zadny zmeny. Po prepsani na 1.55V v 3d rezimu namerim stale 1.45V jako s puvodnim a nemodlym biosem.

  16. #91
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010


    Citace Původně odeslal Pirs
    Zkousel jsem rev1 z, zadny zmeny. Po prepsani na 1.55V v 3d rezimu namerim stale 1.45V jako s puvodnim a nemodlym biosem.
    Nezkousel si napsat primo Jimmorovi? Ten by se na to urcite podival.
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  17. #92
    Senior Member


    Nebudu to hrotit, stejne budu delat Vmod na pametech, takze jeden trimr navic me nezabije.

  18. #93


    ...len poznamka k NVFlashu -> po vlastnych skusenostiach je vhodnejsie pouzivat NVFlash 4.41 a nie 4.46, tam kde 4.46 haluzila isla 4.41 v pohode
    VOCAL POST MESSAGE: System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...System Failed CPU Test...

  19. #94

    Standardní na nic

    mam gainward fx5900ultra goldem sample
    v 3dmarku davala 5700 flashnul sem na 5950U a dava skoro to sami a to mi ted pameti jednou na 950 a core na 500.... docela lame
    takze otazka zni takhle jakej jinej bios mam pouzit hodne se tu mluvi o asusu a dal jaky detonatory ja jedu na 61.36whql chtel bych aspon 6K
    jeste sem koukal na porovnani na strankach futuremarku a skoro vsichni co maj husty skore tak pouzivaji det 53.03 mozna na tom neco bude
    ale hlavne drivery toho udelaji dost takze jaky omega, starstorm, orig nebo bety od nv a jaky verze ?

  20. #95
    Moderátor Avatar uživatele Masster
    Světlá n. S.
    7 010

    Standardní Re: na nic

    Citace Původně odeslal sunnak
    mam gainward fx5900ultra goldem sample
    v 3dmarku davala 5700 flashnul sem na 5950U a dava skoro to sami a to mi ted pameti jednou na 950 a core na 500.... docela lame
    takze otazka zni takhle jakej jinej bios mam pouzit hodne se tu mluvi o asusu a dal jaky detonatory ja jedu na 61.36whql chtel bych aspon 6K
    jeste sem koukal na porovnani na strankach futuremarku a skoro vsichni co maj husty skore tak pouzivaji det 53.03 mozna na tom neco bude
    Je to popsano v mem prvnim postu. Ten vykon se zvysi jen v pripade kdyz pretakujes jadro na vic jak 500, ale i tak neni takovy jak by se dalo cekat, na druhou stranu se ti zvysi propustnost pameti a to je to nejpodstatnejsi. U biosu mas jeste jednu moznost, nech si svuj a uprav ho podle navodu, vykon bude vyssi nez s flashnutym biosem, pameti das taky v pohode na 950 a jestli pouzivas tv-out tak o nej neprijdes.

    K 3DMarku 2003, je to tu popsano uz x-krat, je sice pekne, ze ti karta da 6000, ale k cemu ti to bude, kdyz to jinde nepoznas? Je to synteticky benchmark a vetsina lidi uz na nejaky 3DMark kasle.

    A nakonec co se tyce ovladacu, tak novejsi rada 6x.xx pridava vykon hlavne v novejsich hrach, podstatne zvysuje kvalitu obrazu a taky uz tam nejsou "optimalizace", ktere se vyskytovali ve starsich ovladacich a za ktere byla NVIDIA napadana.
    But of course, the unlimited evilness of the ultimate tool of mischief, the universal explanation for sucky performance from anything other than nVidia, TWIMTBP, strikes again. The shenanigans know no bounds....luckily, in this sea of pain and anguish,the shining beacon of light and righteousness, ATi, stand, with their Get in the Game program that they managed so badly(because they`re not evil like nV, see, so they couldn`t actually have a program where they worked really close with devs, pushing their tech into their stuff) that no game is part of it. - Morgoth the Dark Enemy

  21. #96

    Standardní Re: na nic

    Citace Původně odeslal Masster
    Citace Původně odeslal sunnak
    mam gainward fx5900ultra goldem sample
    v 3dmarku davala 5700 flashnul sem na 5950U a dava skoro to sami a to mi ted pameti jednou na 950 a core na 500.... docela lame
    takze otazka zni takhle jakej jinej bios mam pouzit hodne se tu mluvi o asusu a dal jaky detonatory ja jedu na 61.36whql chtel bych aspon 6K
    jeste sem koukal na porovnani na strankach futuremarku a skoro vsichni co maj husty skore tak pouzivaji det 53.03 mozna na tom neco bude
    Je to popsano v mem prvnim postu. Ten vykon se zvysi jen v pripade kdyz pretakujes jadro na vic jak 500, ale i tak neni takovy jak by se dalo cekat, na druhou stranu se ti zvysi propustnost pameti a to je to nejpodstatnejsi. U biosu mas jeste jednu moznost, nech si svuj a uprav ho podle navodu, vykon bude vyssi nez s flashnutym biosem, pameti das taky v pohode na 950 a jestli pouzivas tv-out tak o nej neprijdes.

    K 3DMarku 2003, je to tu popsano uz x-krat, je sice pekne, ze ti karta da 6000, ale k cemu ti to bude, kdyz to jinde nepoznas? Je to synteticky benchmark a vetsina lidi uz na nejaky 3DMark kasle.

    A nakonec co se tyce ovladacu, tak novejsi rada 6x.xx pridava vykon hlavne v novejsich hrach, podstatne zvysuje kvalitu obrazu a taky uz tam nejsou "optimalizace", ktere se vyskytovali ve starsich ovladacich a za ktere byla NVIDIA napadana.
    hm... hm... ja to potrebuju hlavne na pareni ut2004 a na 3dmark03
    pac nic jinyho na compu nedelam ne ted vazne prekopavat vlastni bios se mi moc nechce.. kazdopadne to ted vypada lip zkusim jeste dat vic to jadro ale jak dam 526 co ze max co mi povoli tak se to zacne hrizat
    kazdopadne je to pokrok o proti tomu co sem mnel kdyz sem to prines domu .... karta jela jen 450/930

  22. #97
    Uherský Brod


    tak sem se dival na ty BIOSy a sou tam dva na Leadtek 5900XT

    Leadtek FX5900XT (300/450/850) -Latency-, Volt-, Throttlingmod


    leadtek A350THD BIOS-SET (450/930) & (500/930) - Relaxing Latency, THROTTLING SET, VOLT-MOD
    LEADTEK BIOS is !!!ONLY!!! for good 5900XTs

    ja mam Leadtek A350XT pameti hynix2.8 + rev C2

    kdyz dam automaticky najit frekvenci v ovladacich tak mi to naslo 466/854 ale pokazde to najde neco jine 2x me to tam dalo 512/926
    je mozne ze to nedrzi kvuli zdroji pac mam ted 300W cekam na na penize abych mohl koupit neco lepsiho ,ale otazka kterej z tech biosu bych mohl pouzit?
    Noram - World Of Tanks

  23. #98
    Senior Member


    Mam tu samou revizi karty a oba zminovane biosy mi blbly ve 2D a max takty se mi snizily
    Premeroval jsem napeti na GPU a bylo stejny jako u puvodniho biosu tj. 1,45V. Ale vyzkousej ty biosy oba, treba to nejakej pomuze.

  24. #99
    Senior Member


    Ja mam ASUS V9950GE a flashnul sem tam jakejsi BIOS na kterej byl odkaz nekde tady na foru. Bezi to dobre, dokonce snad i TVout mi funguje (mam ted zapojenej tvout z grafiky do compositniho vstupu na tvtuneru a clonovani napr. funguje). Mam jedinej problem, ze uz nemuzu flashnout zpatky originalni BIOS. Nvflash mi hlasi board ID mismatch a kdyz zkousim ten BIOS pres utilitku vgabios tak mi to haze checksum error Mam dojem ze i kdyz sem to predtim chtel preflashovat tak mi to neslo diky board ID spatnymu, ale loadnul sem to pres vgabios a pak nvflash a uz to slo, ale ted uz se nejak nemuzu dostat zpatky. Nema nekdo originalni BIOS z ASUS V9950 GE/TD kterej ma spravnej checksum (lze pouzit utilitkou vgabios)?

  25. #100
    Senior Member
    Bratislava - Nivy


    Citace Původně odeslal MaPa
    Ja mam ASUS V9950GE a flashnul sem tam jakejsi BIOS na kterej byl odkaz nekde tady na foru. Bezi to dobre, dokonce snad i TVout mi funguje (mam ted zapojenej tvout z grafiky do compositniho vstupu na tvtuneru a clonovani napr. funguje). Mam jedinej problem, ze uz nemuzu flashnout zpatky originalni BIOS. Nvflash mi hlasi board ID mismatch a kdyz zkousim ten BIOS pres utilitku vgabios tak mi to haze checksum error Mam dojem ze i kdyz sem to predtim chtel preflashovat tak mi to neslo diky board ID spatnymu, ale loadnul sem to pres vgabios a pak nvflash a uz to slo, ale ted uz se nejak nemuzu dostat zpatky. Nema nekdo originalni BIOS z ASUS V9950 GE/TD kterej ma spravnej checksum (lze pouzit utilitkou vgabios)?
    Toto si cital ?
    NVFLASH.exe -5 -6 -f jmenosouboru.rom
    A pouzi NVfalsh 4.41
    Mne to nasledne frcalo bez problemov.
    Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 , 2x1024 DDR2 800 , Asus P5B-E ,MSI GeForce 8800 GTX , Leadtek WinFast DV 2000, LCD 24" BenQ FP241W , Creative® X-Fi Pro + Creative® GigaWorks™ S750 + Creative® Decoder DDTS-100 , SATA 3x200 GB Maxtor + 36 GB WD RAPTOR

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