Steam Desktop Authenticator is an add-on that helps protect your account on the Steam gaming platform from unauthorized access. Using Steam Desktop Authenticator, you can add two-factor authentication to your Steam account, which will strengthen the security of your profile and protect your digital valuables.

Two-factor authentication is a security mechanism that requires the input of 2 factors to confirm the identity of the user. The first factor is something that only you know, like a password. The second factor possibly something that only you have with yourself, for example a device for generating one-time codes or application for authentication.

Steam Desktop Authenticator provides the ability to use add to generate one-time codes without the need the use of a mobile device. This is especially convenient for those who do not have the opportunity or do not willingly use a mobile authenticator.

To use steam authenticator you need download and install add on own computer. Then you need to link it to your Steam account by following the instructions in add. Only after all this you one-time codes will be available to log into your Steam account.

Steam Desktop Authenticator provides an additional layer of security for your Account Steam, protecting your digital game collection and other valuables from likely attacks and hacks. Therefore it is recommended to use two-factor authentication to protect of your account and personal information.