Sorry but all in english:

Many thanks to Gordy and anyone else who contributed to the original thread.



AT case to ATX case conversion
ATX case specifications (for building custom cases
Anodising: On your own


Baybus: Premade
Baybus: On/Off
Baybus: Dual Voltage, Dual LED 12v/off/7v
Blowhole guide

Blow Holes

Masking tape:Basically mask around the area you are cutting, say up to 4-6 inches around the external area of the cutting line. What this does is protect your case from flying bits of metal that may cause scratches on its path. Usually I cover the rest of the exposed area with paper, just in case (this only applies if you can't cut from the back of the panel, explained in "Marking out").
Cutting fluid: Use it if you can, it will cool and lubricate the area your cutting and the holesaw itself which means less friction, quicker and cleaner cuts, which is nice .
Support: If you can, clamp the side that you are cutting against some wood so you don't "fall" through the hole once its cut. Also use cloth or old clothes to protect the paint on your case, use a sponge under the clamps surfaces as it helps prevent any damage.
Marking out: Get a template for the hole size you wish to cut and stick it to the back of the panel if you can (the side that's not painted and faces the inside of your computer), this means that if you do go slightly wrong you cant see it from the outside .
Drilling speed: Take it slow! You need to find your speed, to do this start rotating the holesaw and cut, don't apply too much pressure, make it so its just touching/cutting the metal not eating it . Once you have it cutting then start to add pressure, not much though... if the holesaw is causing huge vibrations and jolts occasionally then your either going to slow or applying to much pressure, so try releasing a little pressure and speeding things up till its stable... and keep the fluid coming....
Position: Try to hold the drill/holesaw straight, so the edge of the holesaw is in constant contact and not uneven (tilted), this will ensure smooth cutting and cleaner cuts.
After: Once cut, use a file or some decent sand paper (or even a dremel if you have one) to round the edges of your cut, don't want any blood loss now .

Bloo LED's

Step 1: Find any thing that contains an LED, if its not blue or white it will need replacing
Step 2: Gain Access to location of LED in this example we will use an MS Keyboard you will need to find the hidden screw in the back under a sticker .
Step 3: Check out the old LED's there are two main types 3 mm and 5mm you need to work out which you have .
Step 4: Check the polarity of the LED (IE Which way round it it is ) MAKE SURE YOU WRITE THIS DOWN ITS VERY IMPORTANT .
Step 5: Whip out soldering iron and de-solder /remove the old LED's
Step 6: Place the new LED's in their position carefully solder them in place , ideally you shouldn’t touch the solder with the soldering iron for the perfect soldered joint .
Step 7: Rebuild the keyboard/item finding all those little screws


Cables rounded
Case badges
Custom Case badges


Buy here!
ATCS 200
ATCS 201
ATCS 210
ATCS 310
ATC 220B-VX1

Case Window

Step 1: Rip open the packet with a knife , stick instructions back together with sellotape, Only joking
Step 1B: Open packet, don’t lose the washer .
Step 2: Decide on a location for the window. Allow one half inch of clearance between the windows edge and inside edge of the chassis.
Step 3: Place the window on the case in the location
Step 4: Place the washer on the case and in contact with the edge of the window. Place the point of a pencil inside the washer. The result will create a small space between the pencil mark and the window. Draw round the window.
Step 5: Cover the case panel in masking tape and prepare your dremel or jigsaw .
Step 6: Cut slowly and carefully around the line not forcing your weapon of choice
Step 7: With a file or de-burring tool, de-burr the freshly cut edges
Step 8: Install the narrow opening of the moulding over the edge of the opening in the case with the rounded side of the moulding facing out. If the molding is too long to fit in the opening, cut it to length.
Step 8: Install the window from inside the housing, by pulling or pushing the inside edge of the moulding inward and then slipping one corner of the window into the moulding groove. Continue from this point, all the way around the edge of the window until all the window edge is seated in the moulding groove.
Step 9: Place the locking strip in its groove in the moulding.
Tip For Haluminium Luvers: Cut and Mark the panel on the outside


Dremel: Wicked case modding tool
Dremel vs B&D RTX
Digi Doc: Computer Thermometer

dB Adding

What's interesting here is that each 10dB added makes the sound TEN TIMES as loud. So, 90dB is quite loud, but 100dB is ten times louder, and 110dB is 100 times louder, etc.

Just for comparison:

0 dB Threshold of hearing
10 dB Rustling of leaves
20 dB Whisper
30 dB Quiet conversation
40 dB Average home
50 dB Normal conversation
60 dB Busy shop
70 dB City street
80 dB Busy workplace
90 dB Underground railway
100 dB Pneumatic drill 10ft away
110 dB Propeller aircraft taking off
120 dB Jet aircraft taking off

Posted by Lowe


EL Cable


Fans Papst: Ultra Quiet fans
Fans: Glowing
Fans: LED
Fans - Volt Modding
Fan mate
Fan painting
Fan specs
Floppy cable shortening